Well, since we got a free mutation on all modes

What commander is least affected byt the “Rip ramps 26-11-2019” bullcrap that this patch turned out to be?

And B: how long will it take them to fix this.

And yes I’m annoyed, I mean I already get matches with level 1/2/3/ Mensk on Brutal by players who cannot even play with level 15 champs, so solo carry ftw, BUT then you also take my STAIRS -> “Old man”- rage

Workaround here

Supposedly this works:

(Patch 4.11.0 co-op is full of bugs - #100 by Tangor-21102):

Failing that, Kerrigan seems to be the best. She can leaping strike up/down ramps and omega worms allow ally and your army units to ignore them.

For Swann, I’ll finally be motivated to make Hercules :smiley: SV are more essential than ever

Karax… make Obs for vision to use SoA from afar. Otherwise, you can teleport Energizer onto field, wihch can create powerfield for other Gate units. Carriers FTW in this case!

Bring an Ol or some other air unit for vision up cliffs.

But why play if you don’t get exp?

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Mastery EXP is bugged but commanders below 15 do gain experience. At least Mengsk does.

I did get exp, just dont understand why Blizzard takes so long to hotfix if the problem apparently has already been found. Also still dont understand how a texture bug makes it so no units can pass the ramps.