Well looks like Terran is the new zerg lol. EZ WINZ

So i have come back to starcraft after a few years away. My highest rank was masters. So i have been back on my zerg grind and have noticed that whenever i vs a terran i just can’t do anything against them. I have played multiple terrans on the ladder that literally do no harrass all game and just expand all over the map with mass tanks and planetary fortresses. Sc2 does not feel the same anymore. feels like toss and terran just do the same thing every game. No harrass No nothing just sit in base and once on 3 base turtle up and win. I feel like playing zerg i am on a timer and if it gets to late game i just lose even if i have multiple bases and max out. Just crazy how little skill these two races take now. Everyone used to complain about zerg but now you actually have to play like Serral just to get ahead vs toss and terran and it kinda makes the game boring. I mean imagine every game the toss and terran just sit in their base and do nothing all game then just a move. Just crazy.

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Terran is practically a free win if you pick zerg on this map pool. Terran slobberers have practically forgotten how to play since the last map pool was so terran favored. All you had to do was spam marines and mules and you’d win. Marines popping out of the barracks took 3 steps and were in the zergs natural. One medivac boost and they were in the main or the third. Zerg by contrast had to run a 100k marathon to get from his natural to his main. Terran would wall in his natural and as a plus wall zerg into his natural. That’s how small the maps were. The troglodytes who approved that pool were definitely negative iq terran cry force members. That map pool was so terran favored, they’ll show up in avilo’s wet dreams for decades to come.

The only map that had a positive win rate last season for TvZ was Dragonscales at 54%. By contrast, Babylon which had that spawn and walk 3 steps to the opponents base was at 46%. The map makers have learnt their lesson and have thrown the rule book out the window. If you had a hard time previously, I have bad news for you. Imagine healing zones in the center of the map, imagine maps with close by air spawns like it was in the past. Imagine in-base gold naturals with easy to secure third bases. Zerg players are going to be in for a tough time, I can already picture Reynor off-racing more than ever when the next map pool hits.

These are all good things.

I’ve been telling them to do that for years. I have an RTS game I will be releasing and that’s one of the core features. I could’ve let SC2 keep on keeping on but I decided to give some ideas out for free and the political machine of the internet caused those words to eventually land in the minds of the map makers. I’ve been crying about it for years. The sc2 map pool is so vanilla and basic you are practically playing a souped up version of tic tac toe.

I keep telling them that SC2 isn’t rts, it’s a multitasking game, and I really should just stop talking. That would be the smart thing to do. You know the saying: if you are good at something, never do it for free. I don’t mind giving out little tid bits of advice because I have a million much better features, so it’s kinda like saying “rocket go up” when someone asks how to improve sc2.

On the new maps I am beating GM terrans with swarm host ling bane because there are so many attack vectors into the terran’s third/natural with the swarm hosts. This is strategy. Spamming apm at your opponent isn’t strategy, it’s brain dead.

Also, you got your wish. Thanks for the suggestion. Ravager infestor apparently can beat mass bcs vs gm terrans: https://i.imgur.com/r0bBWQ2.png

It’s such a GIGAflex to kill all his bcs with biles that even the terran had to call it sexy after the game, roflmao. You neural then bile then spam right click to get all the bcs on top of the bile. Bam 15 bcs die.

I wouldn’t say it’s a GIGAflex since it’s a known and reliable method. The real GIGAflex method would be to do it against either mass broodlords or a carrier fleet since the unit interactions are more difficult to maneuver.

On the new maps I’m going to wall off the healing zones and just leave tanks and a few AA units there and laugh as Zerg players desperately try to dislodge the position. It will be as abusive as the mass PDD days. I’m worried that it’ll make Protoss even more imba though since Protoss has the mobility advantage post 5 bases.

Do you have a youtube Adventurer would love to watch some of your games. I been vsing terrans and all they do is turtle with mass planetary fortress and then spam bcs end game its been terrible.

I stream on occasion under the alias of SLAMMERisONLINE. If you like messing around, trolling the ladder while talking like an ape, sniping streamers with meme builds and making them rage, then you’d probably like my games. I uploaded a video just for you (it may take youtube a few minutes before the HD version is ready):


The builds I use are generally meme builds that I do while smurfing at a lower MMR level, and it’s incredibly difficult to make them work. They are very fun to do, but they aren’t good examples to learn from because I basically break all the rules to try and make something weird work. Basically, all the things you should NOT do, if you want to win, I do. Beating a GM terran with 1 base hive is kinda like a trick-shot in basketball: you do a hundred games, and you will fail miserably 99 times just to get 1 to work. For example, there is a 6k mmr korean terran, who plays on NA occasionally, and I almost got him with a proxy swarmhost build.

I haven’t streamed in a couple weeks because my office is jam packed with projects, and I can’t find room for the green screen, unfortunately. I have been needing to get a youtube channel going to highlight the best games. Thanks for giving me the motivation :slight_smile: .

Thanks. Can i ask how you got so good at the game. I used to play it years back but it seems like terran and toss just sit in their base all game and just macro up a huge army and you can’t do anything against it. Seems like zerg are the ones that have to harrass and terran can just do whatever. But yeh think a lot of people would watch your play judging from your video you could help a lot of people.