Warcraft mega bomb, revert to Sc2 development instead

Now that Warcraft Reforged is completely dead in the water, unredeemable, and probably made less money than it costed to make with all the mass refunds and that 0.5 lowest metacritic score of all time, can you now take all your man power off of Warcraft and revert it back to Sc2, give us new maps, quarterly co-op commanders releases again, and most of all new campaign missions.


Assuming Blizzard doesn’t go bankrupt after the False Advertising lawsuits.


I’m still curious what they’re making Monk work on… but I don’t think we’ll ever get an answer.


Corporate could just as likely link the poor reception to “RTS is dead” and kill off SC2 hard as well. But hey, if it does turn out that way that sure would be nice. Not holding my breath though…


Those Warcraft III forums are on fire, some funny stuff, that’s what Blizzard gets lol.


It’s not Blizzard anymore though, at this point, there is only Activision.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard is getting a EA treatment.


WC3R is handled by the Classic Games department. But they seem to be low on resources as the 3D models for WC3R are said to have been outsourced to a Malaysian company.

So if they are to offload staff from WC3R to SC2, it wouldn’t be that many.

Plus with the biggest dumpster fire launch in the company’s history, I would think that they would be deploying more to try and fix the mess they sleepwalked into rather than moving them to SC2 or elsewhere and letting WC3R burn.


Knowing Blizzard they’ll probably let it burn… at least for a good six months probably at which point maybe brack will give us another apology…maybe…


People need to stop with this line of thinking. Blizzard is hot garbage now, its not activision. Its a cheap bailout to blame it all on activision, but blizzard got itself where it is now, no one else. Corporate greed isnt exusive to activision.


Yes! All positive things are Blizzard, all negatives are Activision. Doesn’t work that way.

Let’s not forget who wears the pants in the Activision Blizzard relationship.

Activision’s influence has been a major factor in Blizzard’s slide from the best gaming company to a massive laughing stock.


Yeah, too bad W3R was dead on arrival. Still few games left to kill for Blizzard. I wish, they would leave SC2 untouched…


It was Blizzard working that way with all wonderful epic titles until they came along…

The original Blizzard higher ups have all left because of the influence from Activision. The people that made blizzard great are all gone. To be fair, it’s less Activision, and more shareholders influence that ruined blizzard. But those those same shareholders are the ones that control Activision. Don’t try to separate them, they are the same company, controlled by the same people.


Well, we can hope that a better company buys SC from Activision and does good things with it. It probably won’t happen though.

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Honestly, SC2 Co-op looks even “more” dead that WC3 Reforged. At least, someone still bought it and didn’t demand refund. Still get advertised by some big streamers, like Grubby with 8k to 9k viewers. I don’t play WC3, and SC2 is my favorite game. So, talking this fact hurts me a lot.


More than likely this is the mail in the coffin for SC2, as it’s ESL success hinged on wc3 success as one of the 3 other games in the circuit

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Honestly, I’d love to see Grubby make a video where he actually weighs in on everything going on around WC3R. So far it’s just been him giving light criticism during beta, and even somewhat jerking Blizzard off during that time.
Now that it’s on full release, and it’s a literal dumpster fire like Fallout 76, I want to see if he’s going to take it to the grave with him, or actually have something to say about everything going wrong with it.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard/Activision had a gun to his head with sponsorships or some crap like that.

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Heh… some have said it’s worse than Fallout 76, which, I didn’t think was possible

Somebody on YouTube commented that he and a friend noted with amused irony that Everquest was a game that’s been out for years, but it was still more buggy then a Blizzard game in Beta.

How the mighty have fallen indeed.

What have they been doing with Sc2 as a whole? I catch some balance changes to Versus/Ladder every now and then, but these days, I only care about Coop, which seems to get much less attention. I guess that’s a good thing, as if they did do more with it, it’d end up being even worse?

I for one have enjoyed Fallout 76. Fun times with friends.