But really, terran had a crap year in 2019. Terran can complain about protoss and zerg, and protoss can complain about zerg. I think that’s fairly justifiable this year.
If Terran wins 66% of tournaments and all finals are TvT, and TvX in 2020, and terrans complain, then that’s silly.
it was said multiple times, yes, 2019 was a good zerg year, but tbh, the first one in whole lotv. but nerfs happened and if the trend continues, we have a ~60% winrate for terran in tvz. yes, its too early and aligulac isnt the best source, especially since christmas was on the corner.
right now, theres no reason for noone to complain about anything, because noone really knows, what the balance on pro lvl looks like, but first indicators (aligulac) look like, its really good for terran atm. if people complain right now, its most likely because they loose against something, where skill is the bigger factor than balance.
we really have to wait for the first tournaments on pro lvl to take any conclusions. right now, any balance whine is stupid and senseless.
You balance whine just as much as anyone else though. It’s not a bad thing per se, as most people here do to a reasonable extent, but you can’t call it senseless and then do it.
Calling out beastyQt as a whiner, along with virtually every terran, counts as whining. You can play semantics and say its not balance whine, but even then, I know you have fairly recently (below quoted posts) and don’t feel like hunting down even more posts. You whine a lot, join the club.
you should really work on your balance whine definition.
its balance whine, when you call something op, or that theres a certain thing, nobody can do something about it.
if i would call you f.e. a balance whiner (before you freak out, in theory) - why does that make me a balance whiner…? that doesnt make any sense.
if i f.e. say, im complety fine with the balance and you just whine about every zerg unit - sudddenly im the balance whiner, even if im completely ok with the balance?
the second quote is btw called irony. terrans want something nerfed (that spores/spines begin to bleed, once uprooted) and i make a joke about it, by suggesting the same thing for terran. theres no word from me, where i say that im not satisfied with what the actual situation is, its pure irony/sarcasm.
you wont find ANY balance whine, because i dont do it. the only way you find something in my posts is, if you bend the balance whine definition like you did. im absolutely sure about this, because i know exactly, that i spend my whole time on this forum in explaining guys like dukenukem, myohmind, fistfulofzen, typhoon etc, why their whine is pathetic.
You complained about how if something is nerfed from zerg, then terran so-so should be nerfed, etc.
That’s balance whine.
You whine about terran players constantly.
That’s general whining.
You whine in many different ways and I’m not going to argue with you on your made up definitions so you can delude yourself into thinking you aren’t a massive whiner – which you are.
The main issue isn’t your whining in the grand scheme of things, as everyone here does it, some more than others. But when you deny it, it’s as ridiculous as Batz saying he’s not biased.
again, you seem to not understand what irony is. you should google it.
and ok, i got it, whining about whining is whining. if you say so xD believe whatever you want.
all i can tell you is, that im satisfied with the balance, doesnt matter which race i play. because i understand one thing, 80% of this forum (the other 20% are guys, who dont whine) dont understand. your own skill is always the bigger factor, when it comes to the reason, why you lose games. obv is everyone influenced by balance to some extend, but again, the major factor is ALWAYS skill. i seriously dont know, why this makes me a whiner.
so call me whatever you want. i know what i am and what other guys in this forum are.
i said multiple times, that batz likes to overexaggerate and that his reasoning is questionable, but theres a huge difference between him and… any terran whiner you want.
batz is actually backing up his claims with statistics. again, i dont judge, if these statistics are always 100% right, but atleast he is investing in his threads and tries to be reasonable.
look at this thread. again, im not judging, if every source he mention is trustworthy and if every % rate he throws out is right. all im saying is, that he is investing in his threads.
other whiners are opening up threads and suggestion things without reasoning or how these changes would impact the game. lets look f.e. at this thread:
or this one
from an objective point of view - which thread seems to be more reasonable? batz’ thread with actual statistics and sources, or the other two, where some guys raging about zerg?
btw, protoss doesnt whine about zerg half as much as terran does. maybe thats why you get the feeling, that i dont call toss players whiner. especially playa is one of the biggest whiners in this forum and hes a toss player.
so what? does that make me a worse human somehow? how about youre coming up with arguing about my point and not the race that i play.
its not about if its true or not. its the way these guys write their threads. theres a difference, if i start a thread with “queen so op lol, just build 1 queen and insta gg broken race f*ck this gam” or “yo queens are really strong right now, would be a -1 range nerf reasonable, if we buff the hp for f.e. 25hp? or what should be there for compensate, so zerg isnt screwed in early game”
thats what im mocking about. its not that whine is bad per se, but you have to be reasonable in what youre saying. backing it up with arguments, so that other will say “yeah, hes actually right”. thats the whole point of a forum.
ive never said that i feel like terran is op or zerg is weak. i ACTUALLY just said, that im satisfied with the balance rofl…
Lol, Batz isn’t backing up his claims with statistics. He twists them.
I’ve had advance quantum chemistry 600 level math and statistics. (Not that it really matters tbh)
What he did was take tournaments with 0 to 2 pro players, and included them in stats, I think over 1000+ of these minor useless tournaments.
He evaded premier tournaments, where zerg won 60% of tournaments, because it didn’t fit his narrative.
You complain about terran players 90+% of the time on here, with very few hate for zerg or protoss in comparison.
Again, you call Batz better than terran whiners because you are biased. Stop denying it. It’s really ok. Most people here a biased. Stop trying to trick yourself into thinking otherwise.
because the typical terran whiner doesnt support his whine with facts or arguments. its always just “waaaah this op, that op, everything op. terran hardest race lol, zerg so ez, even chimpanzee would reach diamond”. thats the typical sound of a terran whiner. obv there are expections, but REALLY rare.
the thing is, there arent that many guys on the zerg side, who whine in such a way terrans do. doesnt matter who you would take, batz, stretch, ace… they all argue in a better way than any other terran whiner. thats simply true.
obv, everyone is biased. you cant deny that and obv im also biased. thats normal human behavior. but again, if people would back up their claims with arguments, i would like to believe them. but how should i take someone seriously, who whines right now about zerg, with using statements from rogue etc from 6 months ago, when recent nerfs just happened. thats not logical.
tbf, liberator range nerf doesnt even affect the early game. the range nerf is for advanced ballistics, which is lategame, so queens were never used to fight against ranged libs in first place. also, in history, there were maps, where libs with range could be abused, so that queens didnt reached them. if you hadnt a spire ready… bad luck, you werent able to mine from that base for like 2 minutes atleast.
yeah, because again, its 95% nonsense arguments. if someone can talk like an adult, with facts and not just feelings, im all for a constructive discussion.