Vorazun Prestiges

Running through the handful of mains I play, I’m just about through P3 for Vorazun. I curious what people think about her prestiges. I wonder if I’m missing something because I’m not too impressed over all.

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I do like p1 because I always forget that those pylons have recall anyway and the full health restore is nice. Cheaper dark pylons is nice too since I like to use them fairly often.

I just wish that her detector units were not so suicidal.

Was not impressed with the other 2 prestiges. P2 requires a very specific playstyle that I just don’t care for. P3 requires constant use of shadow guard, but I often use more black holes than anything else after early game.

P1 is nice but it makes her much less mobile and that really hurts. I prefer P0 over this one.

P2 is good, but P0/P1 DT/corsair/oracle is a superior comp to the P2 zealot/dark archon/corsair/oracle comp. The CC of P2 is definitely very interesting, it also enhances the survivability or her army, but ultimately it just takes takes longer to kill enemies. A good offense is better than a good defense holds true here.

P3 sounds interesting, I haven’t started levelling this one yet. Timestop unlocks sooo late though, it’s kind of demotivating.

P3 is basically just a strict upgrade over p0. Only on MO, where the early game timings line up to put more pressure on your regular DTs due to losing that shadow guard duration, and L&L, where you should never cast time stop, is it better to have p0.

My feelings so far on them:

P1 - Nice to get a full life and shields. But I could really feel the mobility loss though. Being needed on the opposite end of the map with enough time to take my hands off the keyboard and mouse while the army walked all the way there. Some maps are worse that others. Scythe and Temple for example.

P2 - My comps/play style doesn’t use all that casting so this one seems useless for me.

P3 - This one sounded the best on paper but with how short the Shadow Guard live (I wasn’t able to clear the 1st wave and clear all the expo rocks) combined with little energy left over for the very important Black Holes, it’s not working out very well.

You won’t be able to benefit nearly as much from P3 until mastery with duration mastery in. That said, you can make a lot of great use from it still, the issue lies within planning and knowing the timings of each mission. The luxury of longer duration is gone, so that means your planning and movement pattern has to be real tight (use blink often even during travel or positioning them during a fight).

P3 is just better, basically anyone who’s unlocked P3 and not using it only have 2 reasons… 1) They are not over the gimmick that is P2 and 2) They rely on a death mechanism, which is intrinsically wrong. As much as I like P1’s resurrection, losing recall and relying on “losing units” to gain benefit has been historically bad for any commander’s talent, mastery, or toolkits otherwise. This is especially considering Vorazun’s units are not known to be tough or bulky at all, so really it’s more about CC and retaining them.

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Im neither impressed.

Also they could easily revert all her nerfes due to the powercreep that happened with the new commanders and she would at best just be on par with them. Not even OP.

P1 is okay on small maps. Loosing mobility on big maps is bad.
P2 is a nice idea but generally too weak and if the enemy is air units, its useless and straight up a nerf.
P3 is okaish. But you really feel the lesser time on SGs and in the endgame, you generally have a strong enough army and enough CC-calldowns to not ever have a porblem anyways. So why would you pick p3. Especially on short maps.

P1 is nice for when you need an early force but know they will die. Spend SoA on DP’s. Also great for mass void ray play. (Split your army coz you can’t teleport them.)

P2 relies too much on casters. And Darchons are a gas sink. Maybe they wanted more Centurion+Darchon play. And you might have nice dmg output but those stats we all love analysing despite their inaccuracy, will look worse. Maybe they should halve the energy cost of Black Holes, and give BH’s the non-lethal AoE dmg.

P3 is my new default. At 72 seconds with full mastery, SG’s are “fun” without making it OP.

With full SoA mastery points, you’ve got yourself a total of just 4 BH’s & DP’s without compromising on SG calldown. (Needs 10 extra SoA for 4, so delay the SG a wee bit after the first few calldowns.) That is a bit unfortunate coz situations that can be easily solved with a Black Hole now get escalated. But fun for the 20+ minute missions.

PS. Having recently finished the LotV campaign for the first time, I’m a bit surprised & disappointed by the SoA regen speed in co-op. In Campaign, you get 50 SoA in 2 minutes. In Co-op, you get 50 SoA in 3. None of the three SoA CO’s are “OP”. Strong, but not OP. Why is it different in the first place? Coz of “initial and max SoA” mastery?

Because p3 isn’t about shorter SG, it’s about more SG. Anyone who doesn’t understand that needs to take a closer look at P3 gameplay. VT going full DTs was viable but now faster with additional SGs, so it actually benefits throughout.

Not having to even make any ground army is the unique aspect P3 affords the player. That is a brand new style for Vorazun. Allowing smoother transition to full air without losing any ground coverage is a bonus. Having far far far more DPS per any given time frame due to additional SG is far better than using BH to help out.

It scales from the very beginning all the way into late game. Having 150 supply army is cool and all but having 150 + 50 more in SG is better. And no, it’s not just end game. Any point before that you get 100 + 30, 75 + 16, etc. It’s just always better.

The issue arises in P3 when the player neglect to use TS to benefit from it. So if you’re the type of player that uses TS 1-2 times a game rather than off cooldown every time, then yeah I can see P3 being seemingly pointless.

Anyone who doesn’t believe P3 is just simply better can search up (I believe) Ely’s analysis table in SG uptime. You actually get far more SG and far often in P3 than any other prestige. Again, only if you are using TS properly.

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Vorazun is my second commander complete prestiges after Zagara.
The main reason is I am interested in her P2, but it turns out really far away from my imagine.

P1 is not attractive to me, I am afraid I will only use P1 only when Hero of Storm + Black Death.

I had posted many bad things about P2 before.
There are some good things:

  • use a blackhole and then cast one confuse, then F2A, the entire wave can be cleared.
  • you can fight sky terran with only zealot and corsairs (don’t fight the Hybrid Behemoth)
  • run a zealot under the Elemental, when it shows the attack circle, use confuse on it, it will trap the zealot and itself (but I didn’t check whether it will die or not, because it was killed by my ally quickly).
  • in Miner Evacuation, you only need corsairs and few cannons for each ship (you ally will have way more kill count than you.)

P3 is hard to handle first wave and rock before mastery.
With mastery, she is good for many recent mutations. (like this week’s, I think Zaraga P3, Tychus P2, Vorazun P3 are good.)

huh I actually love P2 vs enemy air, it’s a buff rather than a nerf. corsairs disable the ground forces, DAs steal the delicious tier 3 air units and cast confuse on the smaller air units. dealing with air comps has never been easier with vorazun :smiley:

A few have mentioned that the SG mastery helps counter the P3 disadvantage. So I’ll wait until I get back there and give P3 another shot.

Standard counterpoint to that: if you don’t ever lose a unit, then the game is too easy and it doesn’t matter what you do because you’ll win anyways.

Fair lol. P3 still better xD

The only one I really care about is P1. P2 is… Cute, but doesn’t do much of anything, and P3 is a harsh trade-off for the early game in favor of more DT pressure later. …But it also implies that Vorazun will have constant energy injections like Karax does to drop a large number of Shadow Guards for it to matter… It really doesn’t.

I think P1 is quite nice. If i fill my army with only high mobility units (Zealot, DT, Corsair, Oracles), they become quite resilient to damage and many comp that would normally destroy them. I think i will stick with P1.

Recall is very good in the hand of someone who know how to use it effectively. Sadly i am not those persons :frowning:

Vorazun is originally a commander kill enemies very fast.
P2 tries to give her another game style to kill enemies slowly.

I have two suggestions for P2, they may make her being impressed:

Approach 1: change the 20 damage/s to be
10 damage/s vs normal units,
20 damage/s vs structures/armored units.
And double the abilities’ duration.

This approach can enhance the “kill enemies slowly” style. It let you kill high hp units easier, and provide more crowd control.

Approach 2: decrease the 20 damage/s to be 10 damage/s.
The abilities is stackable.

This approach can make caster units have comparable damage vs mass DT in late game. High templars’ and ascendants’ abilities are stackable. Should give P2 a try.

Currently, P2 has a “bug” for the Void Stasis.
When the hybrid is stasised, everyone can only stand there for 10 seconds. I think it is not be intended.