Very uneven skills?

Ghosts. Libs owning everything on the ground, too. I’m not allowed to mass any type of tech unit, while Terran can mass as many vikings as they want. Can mass any type of unit their heart desires. It’s a sick and perverted matchup.

Terran has marines and marauders! I better mass stalkers! Terran has BCs? I better mass stalkers! Terran has vikings! I better mass that unit vikings hard counter!

Give me a break, my god. No idea how any matchup becomes this stupid.

What level is this? I play Plat 1 and I stomp Terran to the tune of 75-80% win rate. Granted at my level they rarely properly respond to DT and don’t use Ghost well.

Now PVZ… please share how you win that crap shoot.

GM. P vs Z is fairly easy. Mass void ray, disruptor then add in some carriers and archons. All that’s needed to win most P vs Zs. You can make a strong/formidable army in P vs Z; you can’t make a formidable army in P vs T.

I do all that minus the disrupter and carriers. I use HT instead of disrupters since they can storm air and feedback casters. Plus I find their micro easier than disruptor. But I can see disruptor being super useful, especially zoning them back. I use immortals from my robo and occasionally throw in colossus.

One big problem is actually getting to the late game at times but that’s more to do with scouting… got to keep probe scouting/hallucination/phoenix scouting hard.

At least you’re tacitly saying PvT balance wise is fine, even if you disagree with the design of it.

High templars are the most overrated unit in the game. I NEVER make any in P vs Z. Even when my opponent goes mass vipers + hydras, I refuse to make any. My win rate, in all scenarios, would fall off the face of the earth if I made any high templars. The unit is that bad.

Void rays are good enough all-around units that you really don’t need to scout all that well. You just need to see/know if they’re teching to mutas quickly or going to try to do a nydus all-in. Outside of that, you can pretty much just sit there massing void rays, in peace.

The disruptor versus Zerg is Toss’ best unit. The name of the game is cost efficiency and nothing compares to the disruptor in this regard. I make 4 disruptors and 2 colossi every game vs Zerg. That’s the “magical comp”/number for dealing with all of Zerg ground.

I don’t make any immortals. I used to make 1, but you just don’t get the bang for your buck. Better to spend the money elsewhere.

Absolutely not. Someone said it takes 30 stalkers to 1 shot a BC. Terran can win at all points in the game and they’re unbeatable late game, if they play half as well as the other guy. Nothing about that is fair.

Toss late game would be if Zerg was only allowed to make roaches. There was no such thing as hive tech or hive units. If I go mass void ray, carrier, you’re supposed to figure out how to win with just roaches. That’s P vs T, and it’s the most maddening thing ever.

Or not I guess. IDK how you think bio outperforms gateway units even now.

You can’t be serious. Ofc bio outperforms gateway units. Have you seen their DPS? Have you noticed you can heal your units? Toss only wins via having way better of an eco. Unless you’re trying to beat Terran air… you can always win if you have 5x the units of the other guy.

If the other guy does a good job of keeping his opponent’s economy in check, the game is over.

Request PvZ Macro game replay good sir

I think it’s the upgrade advantage which is why Toss does well early game. Until bio can get 3-3 it will always lose to gateway units.

h ttps:// (P vs Z from yesterday)
h ttps:// (P vs Z from 2 days ago. Close game)

First game was versus what I consider the hardest thing to go vs, probably, which is simply massing corruptors fairly early and then adding in vipers. No HT made/no cares.

Second game is versus lurker, viper, hydra. No templar archives allowed.

Normally, you just make your disruptors and your colossi, and you 1A when you max and collect your fairly easy win. You get a small glimpse into what it must be like to play T vs P. That’s only if you don’t lose a single unit to a maxed army, though.

I had the same problem when I was playing as T. In fact TvT is why I quit playing. Every game was either a cheese rush, or turned into boring tank/sight battles. I couldn’t do it anymore.

I have to say, I am lapping up these Zerg tears like a dog who’s bowl just got filled with organic while milk. They are equal partd delicious, nutritious, and pathetic all at the same time! Yummy yummy!

All these years of Zerg players dominating and they get hit with not even the merfs they remotely deserved and the crying just will not stop ans I, for one, could not be loving it more.

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Good replays. I really liked your play in the second one. It was razor thin margins but your continuous base sniping especially by abusing his lack of detection was really good. You denied those two bases in the bottom left corner like a million times.

Liked your use of void rays. Building them from the very start does look very viable. That run by to snipe his hive (and then another snipe later when he rebuilt it) was amazing. Especially since you got the infestation pit and nydus network too. Only thing I would say is that if you would have just ran when the hydras you might have been able to run away or maybe recall… not sure if it was on C/D.

Only real criticism I see is that carriers in both games did not seem value added. Just juicy targets for abduct, slow, and even igonoring those, interceptors get shredded by hydra. Like your switch to tempests later in the second game. Still not sure if just straight VR might be better.

As far as no HT, I still kind of disagree with you. I see how mobile the zerg is and it makes 100% sense why you don’t use them but I still think HTs in a warp prism could be useful. That second comp with lurkers…not so much though especially with their new 10 range.

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Thanks man. All seems fair and reasonable, and I largely agree.

I’m not a “technical guy.” I’m results oriented. If something doesn’t work, I don’t usually try to fully understand it. I just try to make sure I note that it absolutely doesn’t work. That would be high templars vs Zerg.

My micro could be lacking. I could need to use rapid fire and search ebay for a max exploitative keyboard… but at the end of the day, making them has always made winning games far harder, if not impossible for me.

I find it hard to even make sure I’m feedbacking the right vipers, not the same one, given everything stacks. Storm is pointless, given you should already have disruptors, which are just better.

It’s obviously not ideal, but you just gotta find a way to play around not being able to make HT. Take it in the face, hope you have the eco to cope and just hope for a window where the vipers don’t have energy or you can kill the buildings they’re using to gain energy.

As for carriers, same kinda thing. I’ve noticed that it can be hard to win with pure void rays, but add in a few carriers and you seem to always win. It’s nice to have a unit that forces them to micro/target fire. If they’re abducting the carrier, at least it wasn’t a parasitic bomb.

If you don’t have HT, they’re obviously going to land spells. You absolutely don’t want mass carriers vs viper hydra, that’s for sure. On the other hand, when you have colossi and disruptors, you really want them to consider abducting a unit that isn’t a disruptor or colossus. Disruptor is truly the unit you last want to see abducted.

You need to have some sort of comp that can put up some sort of a fight if they pull all of your disruptors, though.

If you’re losing vs Zerg in TvZ you’re not following PiG’s lowkey advice. There are 5300 MMR GM Terrans who 111 every game and win more than they lose.

It’s very hard to hear what he’s saying with all the dick in his mouth. What is his advice?

Everyone goes 1-1-1?

Ummm i think he said TvZ is the matchup he does best in and knows what’s going on 2 minutes before the zerg player does

Yeah I’m either doing well in ZvP or ZvT, never both it seems. Right now I’m doing really well against protoss but sucking against terran (which had always been my best matchup)