Unranked being matched with Ranked

As the title says, PLEASE STOP matching unranked with ranked. For one, 100% of my unranked matches are against LOWER RANK PLAYERS, which isnt fun, and vice versa, i am ranked, playing sometimes with a tm8 who isnt playing ranked, does stupid builds or just quits the game. please change this asap. yea itll make game search times longer, but itll be a better ladder for it. i am literally destroying these little gold players reducing their ranks. Then ill play ladder and go against master ranks, or get players on my team that arent ranked and mess around or just flat out quit.

not gonna happen, there is no developement, were lucky we get balance patchs at this point.

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ehh wouldnt call them balances. making terran better than it already is basically.


pretty much, i for one would definitly love to see ranked and unranked seperated but its never gonna happen. probably one of the stupidest things blizzard ever thought up.

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not only is it against ranked, but the players that are playing ranked are far below my rank, and i destroy them nearly every game… i am diamond and just played against 2 golds… killed them both without my tm8 helping lol, poor lil golds losing mmr to diamonds

I believe both ratings (unranked and ranked) are separate, so if you don’t play unranked often, it makes sense that you’re playing against lower rated players…
Wish it wasn’t that way, but I doubt Blizzard’s gonna do anything about it anymore

I don’t even really know why unranked exists tbh, when you’re against the same pool of players either way. And you’re most likely gonna end up at the same MMR in both ranked and unranked unless you’re throwing games to smurf

It exists so people can play the game without worrying about losing their shiny masters border if they experiment with a new playstyle or just don’t feel like going 100% that day.


I like it this way. It makes compete sense. If they weren’t mixed unranked wouldn’t work and there would be zero way to practice against real players.


Oh wait this isnt about 1v1. Now I’m even less sympathetic.

I think I smell ProTech lurking around?


I mean you can’t even lose the border till the next season now, unless it’s the GM border, idk it just seems very poorly implemented

In what way? Unranked vs ranked has very little to do with smurfing.

In that it seems completely redundant since they made it so that you can’t lose your league mid season.

All you have to lose in both instances is MMR, unless this is a multi-season experimental phase I guess lol

To add to Kelthar’s post, Blizz introduced unranked to help with ladder anxiety, as well. Whether it actually does is another story, but I remember that being a reason for it.

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It was fine back when it was introduced, because you could lose your league playing ranked, but nowadays there is essentially no difference between the two.

You’re only thinking on a game by game basis. Unranked is meant to be for longer term than just that.

While i agree that ranked should not be matched against unranked opponents, changing it in the current state of the game would completely devastate ladder, simply because there is not enough players. 4-5 years ago this feature would be excellent but not today. You would literally have to wait like 2-3 minutes to get a match.

ohhhh booo hoo 2-3 minute wait. guess youve never played ranked/ladder in any other games huh? at a high rank? try playing rocket league at SSL rank. 30+ minutes wait per match.