Unkillable Dusk Wings

So I haven’t seen this behaviour before but recently I played on Mist Opportunity as Raynor P3. And as I was pushing the 3rd set’s contested bases with the first Dusk Wings, I fully expected them to die.

However, just as they got low on HP, Amon threw down a scan, then magic happened. These Dusk Wings became essentially unkillable and continued to do damage until they ran out on their timer.

I am certain it has to do with the scan’s because the next 2 casts this didn’t happen at all.

Were you playing with Vorazun? This is already a well documented thing. Raynor’s OCs do not count toward viable respawn targets for cloaked units under Emergency Recall, making them effectively immortal.


Yeah, partner was Vorazun. So even if it’s not my scan this happens still. I’m surprised it didn’t happen for me before, given how many times/opportunities in match ups.

You have a link to explanation from source? I’d love to read up on why this happens.

Explanation of why this can be rare to see is that if you are building a new cc the unfinished cc is a valid recall target. Also getting a specific matchup if you play random commanders is very rare.


Ctg covered this bug already a while ago. Orbitals are not included in the list of main buildings(ccs are), so if you only have orbitals, vorazun’s emergency recall bugs out, only triggering the “keep unit at 1 hp” function but not teleporting the unit nor entering cooldown. It doesn’t affect only dusk wings, but all cloaked units, so normal banshees too, or stuff under dark pylons. Any spell that cancels cloak and makes emergecy call not apply will lead to a lot of your 1 hp bashees biting the dust, though. Anyway, look for his video, he’s got one where he uses this bug to solo a mission with 10 mutators and explains how it works in detail.

Btw, this does not work with the prestige that lets vorazun’s emergency recall send units to dark pylons too, since then it gives them another anchor point and the ability works as intended


This is the video you’re looking for.


It seems quite a numbers of tricks can be done when play vorazun

Unkillable Raynor cloak banshee
Cloak wall
Skip killing final hybrid wave by using time stop on CoA
Destroy train by just using P2 shadow guard single spell without need fight with escort enemy unit

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