Ultras Redesign

Unit tester doesnt really work man. First terrain is way different. Then you not playing against another player. And finally the game is not as simple as Unit X vs Unit Y.

Just make the count. If there are 30 marines. Armor upgrade is 60 damage mitigation EACH SHOT…

Schrodinger’s marine: close enough to the ultra that 30 of them can attack at once, but far enough away to not be mauled by the speed ultras.

30 marines is a scenario where the zerg will have 5 to 7 ultras. The ultras win that no matter what the upgrades or the micro is like. The terran is going to lose that fight so he will look for value, meaning he stutter steps & focus fires the front ultra & lifts into medivacs to abandon the territory. If this is a base he is losing control of, he loses the game. There’s plenty of time for pull back micro in that scenario, so the hurt ultra goes home for a transfuse. Zerg loses nothing. In reality, zerg’s probably going to have a surround or a flank.

There is no way that 30 marines and a few medivacs are going to beat an equivalent number of ultras.

The thing that people don’t realize about the speed upgrade is that it provide damage reduction too. The faster you get on top of the marines, and kill the marines, the less damage your ultras take. Armor only provides damage reduction while the speed upgrade provides loads of secondary benefits on top of damage reduction.

The downside is that if you take a bad fight, that you are going to lose, you lose it even harder than you would’ve with the armor upgrade. THAT’s why it seems bad. If you take good fights then the speed upgrade provides damage reduction, AND the speed upgrade allows you a lot more control over whats fights to take or not.

Except the part that Ultras are used mostly defensively instead of offensively … so… being ON Creep …

Also you are thinking way too much of unit tester. 30 marines shooting can happen, versus a single or 2 ultras that retreat and live for another fight with +2 armor. That died without armor …

Yes that’s why I said at the start that it depends on if you plan on being offensive or defensive with the ultras. Being defensive means you are behind and will likely lose a fight and need the defender’s advantage to help win. In a scenario where you are going to lose, the speed upgrade will make you lose harder than the armor upgrade. In any other scenario the speed upgrade is usually better just because it’s more robust.

Hmm… Don’t even ask.

I don’t think ultras have ever felt better than this time around coming back to play so a have to disagree when I get a lead i can often smash my army into the opponent remax ultras and a click their bases general direction for a win they work better than ever.

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Personally I like the idea that Ultras can always 1-shot lings, but it should also come with the caveat that if the ultra has no damage ups, but lings have 2 or 3, they get 2 shot instead, that’d be pretty fun.
I think Ultras, atm, are kinda just missing extra beefiness, I think if Chitinous Plating from BW was added, it’d be better, make it something like a +4. You probably wouldn’t even need the Baneling after that. Maybe give Hydras +2 damage vs Armored (+1 increase per damage upgrade). idk lol.

That is already the case right now. You should look up units so you know how they work before you start talking about them.