Ultras are still trash

Actually the balance team itself stated very clearly that the Nydus is NOT A BALANCE PROBLEM

wellllll I mean like Terran can’t just make 30 ultras from their larva at home at the same time
infrastructure is a thing
and ultras are also wayyy faster and have a ground AoE attack
but yeah ultras do need a buff somewhere

You want an honest answer? Its the fact that zerg is forced to play reactive and defensive most of the time so you dont just have to learn how to play zerg and all its build order branches – you also have to learn a lot about the other races to understand what their branches are. You probably think every race is like this but trust me, its way more important for zerg.

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They dont have to be good at zerg to switch

They dont have to be good at zerg to switch

Batz is a great example.

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