Ultralisk got a buff (again)

Oh no. The patch is weird but is kinda ok. I mean… Ok for experimenting but another ultralisk buff? No, tank you.

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It’s actually a nerf, they’d path through the other zerg units so easily that when I go to wiggle my mouse with rapid-fired snipes they’d all be at the front in a nice line for me. PEW PEW :dart: :dart: :dart: :dart: :dart:

But they are tanks and fighters at once. They are supposed to be on front.

Yes but if his counter can kill it in 3 shot the fact that the ultra will be in the first lane it’s pretty usefull.

It’s both a buff and a nerf since it’ll be pushing units into range of stuff they don’t want to be in range of. Definitely useful and makes sense though.