Ultralisk burrow buff

make them undetectable and unrevealable when burrowed and call it deep tunnel or something

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How about burrow can tie in nydus network.

This would give ultras ability soak up damage and teleport out to Safty.

I think burrow might should tie into nydus network

Button of pic nydus on if highlighted it goes into the network.

I hate both of these suggestions with a passion.


You would this give ultras way escape no different bc except no offensive ability.

So if you against this but ok with bc telport only shows bias. I would argue all burrow should have choice to be connected to nydus network.

I have repetedly stated that BC teleport - like all map folding tech in this game - is a cancer that shouldn’t exist.

However, unlike everything else, BCs effectively require tac jump in their current state to be viable.

Personally I would like to see BCs get completely redesigned such that tac jump isnt necessary, but I suspect we have long sailed that ship.

This is not the case for ultras who are currently both viable and strong.


I think fix teleport jump that make defensive only. Pluss remove all protections and tactical jump adds damage to bc.

But I think burrow telport on ultras not bad.
There might strong but armor does nothing in siege tank line, liberators, Thors so ability save its self but able push on attack.

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I got better idea: reduce ultraimbalisk armor by 2.

I would for teleport burrow

How about a new passive upgrade for Ultralisk!?: Dodge 35% of all incoming attacks (both melee and range) and of course also including spell types of attack, like snipe, so finally the zerg players are happy.

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Honestly just making tac jump require vision would be fine imo. That way the terran has to invest a scan to harass, but won’t need to do so for defensive purposes.

Tack jump just needs 3 things

  1. Take longer to jump
  2. Lose invulnerability
  3. Shorter its range
  4. Once its health drops % it can’t jump any more.

Right now you wait last minute to jump and escape. Or it can hide in corner building up then jump on your base.

Take longer jump means that Terran has focused on doing max damage and risk losing bc.

Losing Invulnerability should never put in game first place.

No jumping at certain damage thresh point it can be set 10%. It means over played your hand so u have try save it by mule or drift away.

Shorter range it’s tactical not I win button. I shouldn’t try attack your base and you telport all your bc inside my base by passing my army and my defensive with no risk.

Range be two screens over so shouldn’t hide in corner will there no way I can get intel then once hit certain number jump into my base. Shorter range you be some what vulnerable be spotted and true numbers be revealed.

Damn man, it’s been a long time. How are you???

Surviving :smiley: Watching Harstem’s IODIS gave me the itch to start playing again, and i knew the patch notes would go down like a skip fire here so had to come bear witness.

How about yourself?

Living in the USA now, actually. Still playing starcraft almost daily lmao. It’s good to see you around still, and good to hear from you. Still have you in my discord, so if you ever want to shoot me a message or want someone to play with, please let me know!

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I may have to take you up on that offer! My skills are dead rusty. From 4.2k mmr to… whatever i am now, the practice wouldnt go amiss hah.

And even some 2v2 shenaningans could be fun

Absolutely; I do remember you used to thrash me pretty regularly, but I’ve been improving - I think l was a good 500 MMR lower than I am currently, so maybe I’ll be more of a challenge for you :stuck_out_tongue:

2v2s would be brilliant - it’s been to long!

Side note, we are, apparently, going to be getting new maps as well, for teams and 1v1.

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I imagine you’d be the one thrashing me right now! New maps would be nice, i’m not really a fan of the current pool, too many stupid mineral walls.

Either way ill hit you upbat some point, when are good times for you and what timezone?

I’m in vegas, which, if I remember correctly, is pacific - PDT, I think? I can’t remember exactly where you’re living right now, I know we’ve talked about it in the past. But most days I’m pretty available since I generally work from home currently.

Mornings are generally better too.

Im in the UK, so any time between like 6 and 10pm GMT is fine on weekdays, weekends i can be flexible. I see its around 8am in vegas, so if mornings are better for you that lines up pretty well as its just gone 16:00 here

Yep, my wife’s just left for work, so happy to hit you up whenever if you want to game!

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