UI Bug - UnitStatusAbilIcon Not Working with Different AbilityIndex Values


WarpTrain ability referencing does not appear to work correctly in a UnitStatusAbilIcon frame when creating custom UI’s.

For example, I’m referencing the abilities like so:

<Frame type="UnitStatusAbilIcon" name="Ability1" template="customstuff/IconAbility">
     <AbilityLink val="WarpGateTrain"/>
     <AbilityIndex val="0"/>

Changing the AbilityIndex value does not seem to affect the linked ability. As a result, it makes all WarpTrain abilities impossible to reference using custom UI’s like Replay Interfaces.

Example map file here:

To see the issue, run the map, stay in-game when the victory screen appears, and click the Warp Gate. You’ll see Zealot icons all the way through in the black box at the top, despite the frame referencing different ability indexes.

Thank you