TvP is still broken in 2020

It wouldn’t be a true new years day without Terrans making a whine thread saying that Protoss should be nerfed into the ground because they build things that are able to kill Bio.


Only remotely true part of this post.

You know what you could do? Switch to Protoss and then tell us how easy PvT is for you.


Terran player.

I already said they will continue crying even with this terran patch. Terrans are natural whinners.

BTW the only thing you need to fix is your L2P issue.


Typical form response. Terran legit has the worst detection in the game, and no one is able to admit it. This is why DTs are such a problem. You’ve seen pro league players lose to this hsit. Toss will warp in a few dts at each base, you need to use scans because you can’t chrono out a raven to deal with this(you also usually are spending you money, and don’t have a spare 200 gas to throw away on detection. It obliterates your eco, and toss just has to take a fight where they don’t die and are able to come back.

it is not the same, especially for zerg, seeing as they have overlords usually, and overlords morph into detection. You will take damage, but it doesn’t have to be game ending.

The interaction of stalkers and medivacs is truely broken. A way to fix this would be a mass drop upgrade, drop all of the units in your medivac at once. That way, although you lose the medivac, you are still able to trade with the stalkers. It creates a dance. Sort of how hellions and lings interact.

Please keep in mind that I am Masters on my main account. This isn’t just me whining, but addressing legit issues for this game.

Thors aren’t the best counter to carriers due to carriers being able to use airspace. And the thor being a clunky slow unit doesn’t deal well with that

Terran mech is now viable against Protoss, so I would say it’s far from broken.

Try playing mech against Protoss instead of bio, it works wonders.

Marine medivac alone kills carriers head-on. Same for tempests.
What late game are you talking about? Thors and BCs vs tempests?
The fictional late game that occurs assuming the protoss doesn’t die after the first push?

Unless you’re around top of masters or higher then balance isn’t why you’re losing. It’s :100: a L2P issue.

Have we ever got an answer from the whiners as to what would actually make the matchup balanced? Is there actually a Toss unit that is good, atm, lol?

They’re probably going to say “nerf chrono! Dude got ahead of me in economy in one game.” But, if they did that… they’re still not going to be in GM, so they’re going to demand more nerfs.

Even as someone who likes to consider himself more creative than the average bear, what can you think of to nerf about Toss, even with taking a biased and unfair slant? Maybe don’t allow stalkers to hit air, so then Toss would have zero units that shoot up?

Help me and the balance team out. What is it that needs to be done that hasn’t already been done?


Lmao nice one, terran has the easiest and most useful mobile detection in the form of scan, ravens are already pretty good at doing their “detection” role while also being a really powerful spellcaster.

So you’re asking Blizz to give you free wins because you built vikings and ghosts and now protoss has no viable form of AOE in the game right ?

Yeah ofc, protoss is gonna warp some stalkers on top of your vikings to kill them right ? I mean that’s how things go right ? Platinum level at best.

Ever heard of that magical unit that’s litteraly making TvP terran favored once it’s on the field ? I mean ghosts you know, now that feedback is a meme and ghosts have more range than any spellcaster in the game while countering them AND getting all the shields off the toss army but yeah yeah storm is OP and stuff we all believe you man

Excuse me ? Protoss is strong lategame ? Did I miss a couple of patches that buffed protoss in late game cus, as far as I know protoss lategame is a meme in every matchup, terran just steamroll you once they know how to micro and not just a click, same for zerg. Funny dude keep going :slight_smile:

Lmao, imagine crying as terran that carriers are too strong XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ever heard of building those to beat carriers ? Or you still gonna spam marine marauders all game with a bunch of medivacs ? Btw I see you coming with the “CaRrIeRs HtS Op NuRf PlS” yeah, once again build ghosts and enjoy your freewins.

Yes, I mean let’s buff terran drops even more, I mean they don’t already have the best harass in the game in the form of shift clicking some sh1t around while defending with 10 tanks and 15 liberators that cannot be engaged into without actually having to do calculations that even a super computer couldn’t handle.

These two are your only real legs to stand on, and of those two, chronoboost is barely an issue, if at all.

TvP is fine as it is.

Why does the ghost have an auto attack?

BattleCruisers hard counter Carriers because of their high armour value. As does a critical mass of liberators. The trick is knowing when to go into that transition. Thors are also super good if you’re going mech or were tank double producing tanks (which means they should have some form of upgrades).

Yeah, I kinda agree with that.


I can’t believe a terran player is whining about the blink/medivac interaction…4 stalker with blink coat way more than 500 minerals in a medivac. And if that’s the logic we’re using what about the Oracle window mine interaction? Whatever blizzard will probably see this and cave and nerf stalkers now too

I would say TvP sucks for both parties.

P has insane macro economy because of Krono
T has fantastic 2 base all ins
P has a lot variety of cheeses and also a lot more options in tech
T has bio, everything else sucks
P has War prism and recall cabilities
T has excellent harass options liberator, widow drop, but if fails, T is behind

The boring at best, and usually frustrated for both parties.

Maybe because of so much chicky play, and all ins, most games don’t feel about skill, but more about build order wins.

I think the TvP match was much better in HOTS. More fun to watch and play.


The nature of protoss is pretty strong in PvT. I dunno what you could ever do to really change that.

I’ve kind of just accepted this fact in 2010.


T have hard time to hold natural vs stlakers and adebpts … Even if T build bunker they can go to the mineral line and marines are awful until stim shields and medivacs. Bunker is mutch worse then shield battery … Early game is too mutch p favoured … Solution give orbitals ability to heal 3 units in 6 range as medivac… This will help even vs reapers cancer in TvT … And cant be used in offensive…

Definitely a fix of the game, everybody wants that.

Well, one thing I don’t like, is the begining of the game, I can’t put a lot of pressure on Toss.

Also I am always afraid of DT or Oracles, so I build 3 Turrets most games, 2 in one base 1 in another. Which 300 mineral for if the Toss doesn’t attack with oracles or DT you are very behind.

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Honestly I have to disagree. Terran in HotS was pigeonholed into one opening while Protoss had free reign over the game due to the presence of the MSC early game, plus they had a myriad of possible openings, each of which needed an extremely specific counter, and it wasn’t until the Protoss had 3 bases that you actually started to have any ability to do anything, by which time they already had colossi (which were stronger) and were getting storm. Plus we had blink stalker all-ins as well for a good 8 months.

TvP sucked so much in HotS, and is far better in LotV than it ever was in HotS.

TvP in hots wasn’t like that, as toss you had to turtle into 2 base and then take your 3rd after 2 colossus, the medivac boost also pigeon hold us into opening stargate/oracle into 5 phoenixes because of mine drops. So yeah PvT sucked for toss more that it did for terran.

Yes, it definitely was lol. Either way, it’s a lot better for both sides now than it was in HotS.

Mine drop was literally the only viable opening for Terran precisely because of what I mentioned. Both Robo openings and oracle openings were perfectly viable because both of them gave you good detection for dealing with widow mines.

Everyone :
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 .
“Happy New Year !”

Whiners :
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 .
“This unit is still broken in 2020”

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