TVP? can you tell me some good macro builds vs protoss?

can you tell me some good macro builds vs protoss?

all ins I know, but Protoss is so Macro powerful, I am always behind economically.

Thank you in advance!

Who is this guy??? 2ch

Vibe is a Grand master who plays all three races. He is focused on Macro, and also says you shouldn’t worry about micro until diamond league. He has loads of videos on youtube.

Just type in Vibe Terran bronze to Gm, Vibe Zerg bronze to GM, or Vibe Protoss Bronze to GM.

A large playlist will show up with videos on each race

Well yes, I a don’t have any problems with micro at the moment, Protoss just seems to macro faster, will check it out

He plays just Mech, OMG, all terran know how to A move mech, I am talking about some bio fun builds, multi attacks, MMM, Marine tank vs Protoss, bio widow, that’s more challenging and fun to play.

You asked for a macro build did you not? Now you’re talking about micro which all of what you stated above takes. By all means look up other builds on youtube.

No, I appreciate the help a lot. Just hoping he would show both Mech and Bio styles.

Besides Mech is kind of bad vs Protoss, vs zerg yeah it is excellent choice.

Vibe also plays a lot of bio but only in diamond+
(check first comment of each video for links to the parts of the videos)

He shows more Bio in the higher league Terran plays. I don’t recall if he had any bio play for Terran in his YT videos.

What league are you in?