Trying to get to platinum

Gold 2 noob terran here.

I’ve been playing and watching sc2 since wol but only got serious about it last year. I’ve started out as a silver player and quickly ranked out of it within a month, but I can’t seem to get past gold 2. I’ve heard that diamond is the hardest league to rank up from so I want to know what’s wrong with how I play o if I’m just being impatient. I’ve been playing unranked for the past few months to see if I could improve there but have gotten the same results if not worse than when I was playing ranked.

I have a basic build order and only do bio + tank with a few mines. I never do rush or proxy builds. I try to get up to 5 barracks, 2 factories, and 2-4 starports by mid or late game.

In TvP I use ghosts emp and in TvT I use Ravens to disable tanks. I’d use ghosts to snipe Ultras in TvZ but by the time i see them it’s to late for me to transition and they just crush my army.

For harass on all races I’ve tried Liberators more often than dropping in their mineral lines, both with little success.

I try to expand to my third at around the 7-10 minute mark depending on if my opponent rushes me. Fourth and fifth base timings vary but usually I get them within a few minutes of each other.

Here are a few things I’ve noticed:

Any rush/cheese build from any race has a near 100% chance of beating me and I do scout it out almost every time. I respond by turtling up in my main with a bunker and put what few marines I have in it. I usually hold off the first wave. But my natural expand is denied for too long and my opponent gains a huge economic lead and I lose from there.
Often times when I do my first attack my opponent is also doing theirs and jumps on top of my army before I can set up my tanks/mines and I get overrun. Every time I split my units up in a concave I never need it. Marine splitting vs banelings is almost nonexistent but I use stutter step against every race to kite enemies into my tank fire.
I rarely find time or resources for weapon/armor upgrades higher than 1/1 (stim shield and concussive are the only upgrades I get every game) and in the games I do they make little difference.
Also I know that APM isn’t everything, but I have yet to see any gold player or even platinum that surpass mine. My average APM is in the mid-180s and often times goes past 200. Meanwhile, opponents from any rank I’ve played against are lucky to break 120 and can even be as low as 50. I’ve seen a few that have gotten within 40 APM of mine but that’s rare. I know I spam a lot especially in early game but even in late game my APM is only a little less than early game.

Early to mid game TvT they either 3 rax proxy or doom drop my base where my army isn’t (often times as I try to move out) and many times it just kills me right there.
As the game progresses, I try to get more air superiority with mass vikings, some liberators, and a few Ravens with about 3-4 starports with one tech lab and the rest reactors. Most of the time I do this however my opponent just out muscles me whether they do bio, mech, mass vikings, mass BCs or a combination of any, most of the time without Raven support.

In TvP I always use MMM + tank. What my opponent does varies. Usually I see immortal stalker chargelot archon. Ghost emp is effective initially and I have their base sieged with a few units but they break free with a few warped-in chargelots. And once they get Colossi it’s over most of the time. I’ve tried to transition to vikings but it’s always too late.
The other thing protoss decides to do is straight to air (void rays, carriers, even motherships). Can’t transition early enough for that. Carrier’s are probably my biggest problem here. I use marine-mine-viking against them but it does nothing especially once they get up to 4 or 5 carriers. I try to focus fire the carriers with my vikings and draw interceptors to my mines but friendly fire just kills my vikings instead.

TvZ is probably my favorite, but they either rush me and crush me or if they don’t, I use marine-tank which either gets destroyed by banelings or they use roach/hydra and transition to brood lord/corrupter or Ultras. For the former I add in mines and marauders and for the latter I use mass vikings and is easier to deal with for me but the Ultras I have no ghosts or liberators to snipe them. I rarely use liberators aside from harass.
Nydus play is uncommon but when it happens I’m dead.

I’ve seen the “super thread” for TvP and TvZ and have done a lot of what it says. But as soon as I get up to gold every season my win-loss ratio is about 1:3 and when it isn’t I’m going through a losing streak. I guess the only things I can think of to improve this is just better unit placement/micro or scouting to see if I have to transition builds but I know I’m missing out on a lot of things.

I’m probably being too whiny about the game and I don’t mean to be, but if anyone has some advice that’d be great.

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If you are in gold 2, you arent making enough workers. I have a friend that is exactly gold 2 and in your boat but is Zerg. My buddy likes to get to 50 drones and max out on an army and that mentality is why he is stuck in gold. The more SCVs you have the more money you have and that translates to more units and more upgrades that your opponent doesnt have. In fact, if you dont ever cut SCV production your third can be dropped at like 6:30 and be nearly fully saturated if you dont quit worker production.

I actually showed my friend by example, I was able to beat his gold 2 opponent without even once looking at his base. I got up to my magic drone count and just sent overwhelming numbers using a click and saw a victory screen without ever knowing what his base looked like. Macro is the name of the game until diamond and then you have to micro a bit to survive. In your league make scvs and spend ALL your money on basically ANYTHING and you will win.

I played WoL religiously and just now returning to SC2 since Heart of the Swarm launched. Just spend your money as you get it. If you’re building up minerals you need to make supply depots nine times out of ten. Expand while you’re pushing out seems to help me secure bases. It’s like your really swinging it in your favor. They take a hit while you progress.

I would say marines are your win unit. It seems like every game I win it’s because of marines, and every game I lose it’s because I didn’t have enough. Liberator harassment is really good, but I honestly never do it. I would recommend getting a reactor and 2 medivacs then do a drop in their base. If you CAN NOT hit mineral lines; aim for tech, supply, or out of place units.

If you’re building up too much gas you probably need to drop MULES. If you notice yourself having too much gas every game. Try taking 1 less gas next game. You will be able to expand again quicker too. One thing I personally do is over saturate the mineral line. If I’m expanding I will have all the SCV I need for my 3rd or 4th already working the mineral lines of my bases. Then once the Command Center finishes I can transfer them over to the new base. Now you have a fully saturated base. Drop a bunker if you fear pressure. I always put 1 tank in the mineral line. Then have my army hovering close. Build the sensory towers!

I personally think you can lose a base here or there if you’re not comfortable engaging. Just save the SCV if you catch it fast enough. The main stuff to protect is your production. You lose a factory or 2 Rax you can’t rebuild as quickly as your opponent.


Eeeeh, try getting your macro up first, that’s the #1 reason you aren’t plat yet.

Make marines and upgrades, nothing else. Not even medivacs. Just pump out them units until you can reliably just swarm whatever your opponent does with just better upgraded marines.

This way you can focus more on actually getting the economy and production up without having to think about counters and other such nonsense. Whenever you think you have 30 more supply than your opponent, just f2 amove (watch replays so you know if you are right). You don’t even need stim, it should get you to plat pretty quickly if you don’t screw up your macro too bad.

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DO NOT OVER ACT! That’s the biggest thing. For example: Don’t put turrets all over your base to stop oracle harassment then lose to stalkers. Instead if you’re expanding put marines at mineral line on natural and a widow mine at the main mineral line.

Use scans to read the opponent. Reaper scout early and see if they’re expanding. See if they’re going 1 base all in. Use your CC to scan instead of mule. I personally do it on my 3rd use. So 2 M.U.L.E’s then scan the main. Try to keep the reaper alive. Dont harass with it! Just use it to scout. Retreat. Do it again about a minute later.


I appreciate all your guys’ advice on macro and workers but so far there’s been little progress.

I mean I hit a huge win streak on unranked earlier but that was versus anyone whose MMR was in the silver leagues. Now I’ve gone ranked against gold players and the problems are relatively the same. Is there a way that I can show a couple replays to see what I’m doing wrong? is a good replay sharing site.

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Yah, once I learned the importance on expanding I went from bronze to plat in a month

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Use dropsc2 and when I get home from work tomorrow I’ll see about looking at your games and what is going on.

didnt read the whole thing but judging from what ur saying, learning a basic build is good. but the key to get better i think is adaptability. learn to scout and recognise what ur oponant is doing. if they are trying to all in u then just make sure u can defend, then u will be in a good position to win the game. if they are playing greedy, transition to a timing attack or all in, that way u can punish them for it. hope that helps

The main thing is to build workers, expand and spend your ressources.
Though if you only play once a week, you’ll probably not get plat.

Here’s a TVP replay. I’ll try and get TVZ and TVT replays up as well.

h ttps://

#1 You should care about supply blocks and spending your ressources faster.
–> The first few depots were fine and later you just get 1 depot per base constantly (don’t send the SCVs back to work so every time you have an idle worker, you build 1 depot per base).
Or try to be constantly be 20 supply ahead).

#2 map vision / scouting:
–> Scan before you attack, use single marines to scout / get the watch towers and always have a single marine leading the pack.
(“add to control group and take away units” will help you to split off the scouting marines at watch towers and possible enemy bases)
–> ONLY spread units on the map if you can keep your ressources at ZERO more or less all the time.

#3 Easy rules of TvX:
Build a tank asap.
Build some marines to defend your tanks.
Build a raven to defend your tanks from flying stuff (banshees, libs, BCs) and Thors.
Get more bases so you can build more tanks.
Get sensor turrets (starting with the 3rd or 4th base) and spread units on the map or build random depots on the map so your tanks can be in position.
Get upgrades so your tanks do more damage and the bio units can protect your tanks better.
Get vikings so your tanks can shoot further.
Get thors vs. mass air units to protect your tanks.
Turrets will also protect your tanks so your tanks can protect your bases so you get more income to get more tanks.
If you get supply blocked, you can’t build tanks and if you don’t have tanks, enemy forces can’t run into tank fire to make you happy.
Get few liberators if the enemy dares to build tanks.
Thors, vikings and ravens (interference matrix) are good to protect your tanks vs. banshees and liberators.
If the enemy has air dominance, you can scan to increase the range of your tanks for a short time or so your tanks can shoot stuff on the high ground.
Build hellbats with blue-flame upgrade or mass widow mines if the enemy gets mass zealots and widow mines + thors if mass mutas try to kill your tanks.

May your tanks get you the rank you deserve.

Amen. :smiley:

Edit: Vs. protoss you can start with 2-4 widow mines instead of tanks to protect your workers & base from early protoss aggression so you have a solid income to build… wait for it… tanks.

That’s actually a TvT replay.

You did well out macroing your opponent and made him tap out.

That final push was kind of scary for you for a few reasons.

  • you focused on your base to build depots which could have resulted in your army disappearing instantly.
  • you had no air support so if your opponent had well positioned tanks and air superiority you would have been decimated.

It’s interesting seeing a different style of play. I recently maxed out at plat 2 and for me it’s all about tanks and reactored vikings. I usually turret up my base and push out trying to win with a positional battle with the vikings giving vision. I don’t even bother with ravens or drops because i find them too risky and/or too micro dependent.

Whoops wrong replay. Here it is
h ttps://

Update: Here is better example of a TVT match that I’d like you guys to address
h ttps://

6 30 third is somewhat late as a Terran… not UNBELIEVABLY late, but usually you’ll see thirds past 6 minutes if the Terran is opening more aggressively; that is, with a early-mid game push (or something similar). You’ll see this pretty often in a TvP, where 7 minute move outs with different bio balls and supports are common for your early-mid game push. But you can definitely get a third up around 5 45, especially if you’re constantly making workers.

Edit: just read my paragraph. Didn’t mean to come off as rude or something, sorry if I for some reason offended you. Just wanted to say you can safely get your third faster than 6 30.


Getting out of gold is very reliant on your macro. Constantly build stuff, but don’t queue too much. However, going with bio tank requires SOME micro. Some basic things that will help in your engagements:
Pre split your army. You can box some marines and split them away before attacking, and have them stay in that position. Siege your tanks there while you’re at it. If you are in range of the Zerg’s hatchery or something else with your tanks, just stay there. If not, you can have a small part of your presplit force just attack his hatchery; your goal is to force him to engage you or take losses (like a hatchery, for instance).
Stagger tanks. This prevents one enemy tank from killing 3 of yours, or banelings getting splash damage on your tank. This also prevents melee units avoiding ALL tank damage. If you have your tanks all clumped up, they can’t cover each other. Yes, they do splash to each other, but it’s far better than not doing damage at all.
shift queue for liberator harasses (in case you haven’t been doing this already), you can actually hold shift and right click around the mineral line and, while holding shift, press your hotkey for siege up mode (forgot what it was called :P) and click over the mineral line. You can siege and forget. The only risk this runs is walking into spores, but it allows you to macro, so perhaps it’s a good thing. TvT relies heavily upon air control. Whoever controls the air has more ravens for interference matrixes, and more liberators to directly kill the tanks. And definitely send one marine ahead of your army so you know what’s ahead. The advice the other posters gave about macro is very important to listen to, IMO far more than my micro tips, but you can take both tips I guess. If you find your micro is hurting your macro, stop. Macro.


watch Vibes bronze to GM series he does with Terran it will easily get you out of gold. He just does a safe mech build then just has you max out and A click across the map while you still focus on macro.

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First of all…I want to commend you on using casters (especially ghosts) as they’re intended to be used. It takes a lot of focus to attempt using them in fights like that, but unfortunately it may be holding you back. If you look at your replays and notice your macro fall-off during engagements by a large degree, it’s probably because of an overemphasis on micro when your macro rhythm hasn’t been cemented yet. It may not seem like it, but keeping that money down matters a lot more than getting that snipe off for getting into platinum.

This is what you need to work on (choose and progress through the list):

Keep money below 300/300 during the early game (getting up to 2 base saturation)

Keep money below 500/500 during mid-game (getting up to 3 base saturation)

Keep money below 800/800 during a BIG fight (this will challenge your hotkey usage)

and finally…find optimal times to attack with your army comp. If you’re using marine-tank, chances are you’ll want to find your first attack window when you hit 3 tanks. If you’re using medivac-based comps, first attack with whatever you’ve got and the first two medivacs, then a second hit with the next pair with emphasis on having kept the first group of units alive.

Good luck.

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Oh yeah, all of that was said with the assumption you’re keeping production constant, making workers constantly, and not queueing units so your available resource count is accurate.