Tournaments casters talk way too much

To be fair that is because they lacked the technology, not because of a creative decision, cameras used to wieght a lot, just now we are seeing models to even think of doing something different. StarCraft is a cyber sport, technology its it core.

Me neither, see we are not that different, try see what I see.

Right here is where u r wrong. They r not “random flashes of light”, all the movements have a purpose, and a pattern. I’m sure you will see it eventually, is not like all the reapers openers vs zerg change that much in the start. I would call it raw StarCraft.

You talk like you will be seeing a completely different game, you are not. You are watching the same things you’ve all done: changing addons, injecting, cannon rushing. You will get a sense of familiarity and maybe a epiphany moment of: so that’s how its done.

Answer me, why you hold the current system as is was the very successful gold standard, is not, and even blizz pulled the plug. StarCraft is balanced for the top level, it only makes sense it shows how the top level is played.

I know they’re not literally random flashes of light. But what I’m saying it that it is meaningless to me what’s happening. It moves to quickly for me to understand any of it. Because people hotkey a lot of stuff so many things can happen nearly simultaneously. It’s information overload so none of it makes any sense.

The whole point of the observer/caster system is to hand hold dumb people like me and point out to me what I should be looking at.

I do not play competitively. I played through the campaign once at launch, and only just started playing again because I’ve been watching some GSL.

I know nothing about timing, build orders, the current meta, etc. How professional players can react so quickly to something being spotted on the mini-map is like watching someone perform magic. I can’t glance at the production tab and absorb that information in an instant. Etc. etc.

Trying to watch a streamer is like watching Shepard in Mass Effect touch the Prothean Beacon. Random scenes of nonsense that I would have to freeze frame to make any sense out of it.

I don’t understand any of what a streamer is doing, but I love watching the GSL because the caster/observer system makes it so that massive amount of information that you can instantly process is focused and translated so I can know what I’m supposed to look at, anticipate, and be excited about.

Artosis and tasteless are really the only good castors imo.

People like Rapid were pieces of garbage. He perma-banned me from GSL twitch because I said he wasn’t a great castor. Absolute piece of human garbage.

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Thats is normal if you are a beginner. A streamer also has incomplete information. That is not the way im talking either, you would still have omniscient knowledge of the game, production tabs and low key commentators.

Seems to me you need to work on your self esteem and stop calling yourself dumb. This position also invalidates your opinion on any matter.

I know it may be hard to imagine, specially for beginners, and maybe my explanation is not the best, but this is something that needs to be shown really.

I’m confident I’m not alone on this, like many here say, there is a reason why when Serral streams he get more views than tournaments and also why PartinG is the most viewed streamer. There are lots of people like me that enjoy to watch how the game is played at the top level and there is lot of potential to use this in tournaments streams for entertainment and educational purposes.

You’re missing the point. There is broader audience that simply does not care, and what you are proposing will only subtract from the experience. I don’t need to know what gets control groups. I just need to see what the units do and hear some of the thought process on unit selection. I dont’ need to see how quickly a Zerg’s screen flashes to do larva injects and how someone quickly someone activates their creep tumors. I just need to see the state of creep at important moments or a commentator pointing out when someone is doing a bad job of it.

The rest is too much, unimportant information that is taking away from something else more entertaining.

Watching a fighting game tournament, I don’t need to see how difficult of a controller input someone made, I just need to see the actions of the two characters fighting. Having hand cams would be pointless information.

This goes back to my original objection of you saying it would be objectively better. Because what you want is a subjective thing. It would 100% be a worse experience for people not interested in that. I want to watch the armies fight and night go back to the player going back to queue up more units and buildings and upgrades.

Edit: What you want is something I could possibly be interested in a different context. If it was Day[9] returning to Starcraft content and explaining why seeing something that like is worth while. Something where he can pause and point things out.

It’s not something I’d want to see in a tournament setting except maybe as something to show off in between matches. Pick out some highlight moments from the match that just happened and show it off while people take their break or we switch players.

u r rejecting something u dont understand. I’m also talking about the entertaiment experience, the fights are much more raw and powerful in first person view. Specially the early game, it feels dead the way it shows now.

No, but u r still watching the same screen the players are watching.

Imagine a counter-strike tournament where they never show the first person view, do they show the screen of the first person view still when camping for 1 min? No. They show it with the frags and headshots.

u havent experienced it, is ok u cant imagine it, u r rejecting the unknown.

I’ve had a long held belief that the reason I can watch thousands of hours of GSL, but get bored with watching FPS is because they don’t have an outside view. There is no overall context. People run and shoot and die with no room to breath.

The one exception is watching PUBG because they do provide plenty of context because players need to keep watching the map and seeing where they have to move next and there are moments to group up and gather materials and anticipate the next encounter. Watching people camp for a minute not knowing where the enemy is is exciting in PUBG and far more interesting than the rapid rounds of start, fire, die, reset rounds of Counterstrike.

I have never played either game, just like I’ve basically never played a multiplayer game of Starcraft. PUBG is exciting. Counterstrike is mess and not entertaining.

I told you, I’ve already attempted to watch streamers. It’s not for me. Your FPS example only further demonstrates that we want different things. There is no objective better.

Is impossible for u to know that if u dont know my view, u think StarCraft is “random flashes of light” for god sake. A streamer view is not it either, I already told u.

Every game needs to show the player view or important parts of it, and show how the game is played, that is the objective part. You say counter-strike is a mess and not entertaining, now that is subjective.

Anyways, u are just defending ur ignorant view, is pointless to keep discussing with u about it.

I know it was a subject opinion. That was kind of the basis of all my replies. The point was that your example had the opposite result of what you were trying to illustrate because it only showed how far apart in what we want to see. You keep calling me ignorant, but I’ve told you I’ve made attempts watch those things. I even took the time to watch some Counterstrike tournament videos on YouTube before replying to refresh and possibly update my opinion since it had been so long since I tried to watch one. It was still the same. I’ve learned from experience it’s not something I enjoy.

But you are the one that is being willfully ignorant and are refusing to believe that I feel the way that I feel. You are the one telling me that I’m wrong and I do enjoy something that I do not.

Tournaments casters talk way too much

And it’s usually complete nonsense. Artosis for example crying about how hellbat allins never work. Well they do work that’s why they do them. And they also have an effect on the Zerg’s choice of strategies knowing a hellbat allin is a possibility so it makes macro games easier. His understanding of SC2’s strategy is “herr derr hellbat allin lost, it bad build!”.

You’d have to look at a large sample of games, and correlate the average drone count vs the prevalence of hellbat allins. If you did do that, you’d see the average drone count goes down even in games where hellbat allins don’t occur. And that’s because the possibility of it happening helps keep the Zerg honest.

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Rapid is one of the biggest d-bags i’ve ever seen. Lost a lot of respect for GSL when they stupidly used him instead of Wolf or Moonglade.

Apparently rapid will work for pennies on the dollar, as long as someone uses him. Looks like a 90s gameshow host.

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Cant blame him though since he plays SC1 really not SC2, he gave his life to StarCraft so I let him slide. Clem killed Serral in dreamhack with a Hellbat push. I do enjoy Tasteless jokes. They still would be directed to take the talk down a notch.

By the way, Keen beat DRG with a hellbat allin in Code S just the other day. Artosis still whined that they are bad builds.

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NA caster scene is so strange, with InControl gone only a couple of mediocre casters is left.
To see Day9 cast togather with Wardi is such a treat.
It’s a pity that Day9 does not cast any more regularly Starcraft.
He has it all: High intelligence, profound knowledge of the game, super high-level of articulation, sense of humor, you name it: he has it.

He is one of those rare cases where someone can succeed in any field he choses to exert himself!


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Arty and Tasty were so much cooler back in 2011.

Is fair to draw a line for the KR scene since they managed to thrive on their own, StarCraft 1 being the top game in Korea. Sure they scream a lot but they seem authentic and real, even though I dont know korean, couldnt really know. Still is a special and biggest StarCraft scene so I would proceed with caution with them.