I feel like Toss hits this hard wall early on, where they have no ‘standard’ opening. They saturate their first base so quickly, and you get stuck in this weird spot where you can’t quite afford a nexus, and you dont need any more probes.
I’m not sure what to build with, barring cheesy opening, proxies etc. It feels like there is no good, clean way to open as Toss, as there’s way too many probes. It’s just weird.
are you expanding at 20 ?
when is the ideal expansion time for toss? I usually expand at 18 but idk if this is correct.
I go pylon at 13, gate at 15 ,geyser at 16, probe till geysers full,cc once gate done,i typically proxy robo once cc complete and do not expand until i have too much minerals like 400 or so. Then add like 3 more gates and proxy warp in and hit with two immos with a prism. I like warping in sentrys and forcing off the ramp so they can’t leave or enter,esp terran