To Microsoft; Yall said yall wanted RTS so SC3 when?!

New RTS games are being made a lot again recently such as Stormgate, Zero space and even Age of Empire has made a come back! These are all great games, been trying a lot of Stormgate lately and hoping to soon get my hands on Zero Space but non of them hold a candle to StarCraft for me.
However sc2 has been in a state that has been ruined for me personally because there is a “balance council” that is the most clueless I’ve ever seen a balance team in the history of sc2 or any game really. So I would love a fresh start! With hopefully a new team!

I hope yall were serious when yall said you’re interested in RTS right before taking over Blizz and yall are going to commit to this statement!
Sc2 engine is so good yall prolly dont have to develop a new engine just update the current one and we’re good to go!

So Microsoft please make it happen!