At the top there aren’t enough data points for statistical significance.
Think of it like this. I played Terran my entire life and I was 2200 MMR. I only played Toss because Remastered didn’t allow you to race pick, so I needed a Toss account. I instantly became 2450 MMR and was ranked third on the server, and people started making up excuses to avoid playing me in tournaments…
Toss is just easier to play, mechanically, in BW. You need top level mechanics/APM with Terran or else you eventually reach a ceiling. That’s not really an issue with Toss. But when 90 out of the top 100 on a server are Terran, it’s probably the strongest race.
For any given game scenario, a player playing an easier race will make fewer mistakes than with a more difficult race. If you are making fewer mistakes, your play is stronger. Easier to play = stronger.
With Terran, in BW, you routinely reach a “mortal cap.” You got 200 freaking marines and only so many hotkeys and APM. You have more units than you can even hotkey. With Toss… you can always hotkey everything, and you can just A-move.
There’s not much attention needed to detail. Yet, if you’re a super human and can play Terran like an AI bot… then you can become a bonjwa and no one is going to want to play vs you. It doesn’t matter at that point if their race is easier to play, when you’re playing a race in an unbeatable fashion.
Smh I recommend you read this:
https //stats stackexchange com/questions/36/examples-for-teaching-correlation-does-not-mean-causation
And there you go again on a slippery slope without even addressing the first parts of what’s wrong with what you are saying… If you can’t get it through your head that your statistics is awful and correlation =/= causation, then you are beyond reasoning with.
I’ve already completely dismantled his past argument regarding GM NOT being representative of the top level and that he should be gathering information from people who ARE at the top level (say something like 6k+ MMR).
He has also said in the past that the game should be balanced at the lower levels as well, and we all know, that it’s best to balance the game at the top level. The only people that agree with him are other low level clowns that want an edge in the game because they can’t climb out of diamond. I’m completely baffled as to why he is so dead set on trying to balance the game at a level that is NOT the top level.
It is completely pointless to respond to him beyond a couple of replies because he will attempt to drag you down along with his stupidity. I have to limit myself with the replies because for every dumb point he brings up that you counter, he will bring up two more DUMBER points that you have to explain why it doesn’t work that way. It’s pretty much like putting out a forest fire: the simplest technique is to make a firebreak. You just have to cut the conversation off at some point.
Need to add the super like option.
Silver leaguer in Asia = NA gm and it’s confirmed by the APM metric of course.
When 50% of the GM population is Protoss and PvP is the most common mirror on the pro level it’s probably the strongest race.
This argument doesn’t rely on causation=causation, so I suggest you stop linking it or I will simply block your sorry butt. It only relies on a correlation being a predictor, which since it is a correlation it is by definition. Not understanding the definitions of words != valid argument. If you want more info, I suggest you actually read my previous response:
Why this clown is allowed to run free? Spamming is against TOS. Report the troll and move on.
Talking about APM is on topic and not against the rules in the slightest. None the less, if the thread is removed, I’ll post it to reddit where it will be seen by 10k+ people. You have my promise.
Do people actually put up with your nonsense on Reddit? I can only imagine if you get roasted this badly here, it only gets 3x worse on Reddit.
Weren’t you just saying a few weeks ago that the difference between Trap and your beloved Sergei (playa trigger) was apm?
The people on Reddit and YouTube laugh at the clowns on these forums for how insanely dumb and biased they are. I am one of the few reasonable people willing to actually post in this cesspool, rather than just laughing at it from afar.
Watch out the person that said this:
is calling you a clown…
You say that but Lowko literally laughed at a couple of your posts, so you resorted to harassing him because you took it personally LOL stop fooling yourself.
A big youtuber makes videos to harass forum users -> goldfish brain -> a forum user is harassing big youtuber. Nice logic.
Yes, and i stand by that. No one is saying that optimized/efficient APM is useless. A Serral capped to 100APM will beat every Protoss/Terran/Zerg uo to 6500MMR in 95% of the games.
I hate to say it, and thus get involved in this, but your post makes absolutely no sense. That’s a fact. MaskedWords is NOT claiming any causation. In other words he isn’t saying low apm CAUSES poor skills. He’s only pointing out that there is a statistical correlation.
So saying “correlation != causation” over and over, is not only totally irrelevant, but it also makes it obvious that…
You literally have no idea what correlation actually is
You literally have no idea what causation actually is
You haven’t the faintest glimmer of understanding of what MaskedWords is actually saying.
Sorry. But that’s obvious.
He’s making a clear assertion that APM = skill. Do you not see that he’s making a clear attempt to use APM as a sole explanation for overall skill? There are so many other factors that come into play when determining the overall skill of a player, but he is trying to throw all of that out the window and say APM = skill and that’s it.
The reason why I keep repeating this line is because he is directly stating over and over again that APM = skill without anything more than a couple average values. He has no solid backing for this statement, and his statistics/correlation is shaky because he leaves out huge amounts of details he clearly refuses to address because he can’t do so.
So you coming in here and backing him up is not only totally irrelevant, but it also makes it obvious that…
You literally have no idea what this discussion is about
You literally have no idea what you are talking about
You haven’t the faintest glimmer of understanding of what I am actually saying
Sorry. But that’s obvious.
On a side note, I’m not sure why he liked your post. I think that’s just evidence that even he has no idea what he is talking about, so he hopes to throw some numbers on the board and hope it convinces anyone without a basic understanding of statistics. He should be able to defend himself by addressing all of the concerns I’ve flagged in his analysis, but he’s choosing to avoid it because he can’t do it.
Side note part 2: I’m not going to define correlation or causation for you, and I’m not going to educate you or MaskedWords on basic statistics. Figure it out yourself.
Wow. lol
And that relationship he’s pointing out between APM and MMR is called correlation. Not causation. It has nothing to do with causation. And he never claimed there was causation. You are making a fool of yourself. And you still clearly have no idea what you are talking about or what causation is.
I’m sorry to break it to you, but that is obvious to anyone with even a grade school level understanding of the concept of correlation vs causation.