Tired of Racist Comments on games and chat

I do not encourage racism in any way. I believe that my generation is more weary about this topic than any generation before us. I feel this this is a very positive change in the Zeitgeist. While I am aware that racsim is still a big issue in many big parts of the world, I do have to acknowledge that there may has never been a time in history where the “we are one species” movement has gotten this much traction.

While religious- and political fanatism are still hot topics, racism is, at least, more in the state of reconcilation than ever before. Most countries are trying hard to get over this, and if we keep putting much love into the new generation they may get a fair chance.

BUT. This is Starcraft! I’m not surprised about some degree of racism in the chat. If you think about it, the game lore fundamentually is all about “races” :wink: 3 Diffrent species to be more specific, duking it out for survical. There is even a so called PPP movement on this forum. And TCF, I believe it was, for Terran (What does that stand for btw?) I wonder how Zerg extremist are being called :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Correction: the newer generations are so socially handicapped that everything under the sun seems like harassment / sexism / racism; they claim to be more aware but are just more sensitive which leads to identifying loads of false positives that aren’t actually any of those things in reality and only in their warped interpretation of reality.

Cali just filed a lawsuit against Blizzard wherein it appears to have equated asking someone out on a date to “harassment”. Harassment is severe and repetitive in nature to the point it creates a hostile environment. If asking someone out is so emotionally distressing that it creates a perceived “hostile environment”, then it’s probably a mental health issue.

In other words the rising generations have mental health issues which manifest in their extreme sensitivity towards “offensive” content that they deem “sexist/racist/etc”. There is an extreme anxiety that causes them to be overly willing to interpret other peoples’ actions as aggressive, regardless of if they actually are or if they are intended to be.


You said what I keep saying about this topic but in clearer way, im not En native afterall.

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I agree that the new generation is more sensitive… But I think making a racist comment on the streets, the reactions will be a bit diffrent than 50y ago… I’ve lived in parts of cali so I totally get what you mean with sensitive wanna-be-aware… While this over-sensitive attitute bothers me, I do believe, that people react a bit diffrently to expressions of racism compared to 50y ago… while it was silently agreed upon 50y ago, now it’s more challanged like “Dude, is this really nessecary?” In europe the change is pretty obvious since A. Hitler. I think people are as naive as they always had been… Maybe even more today. But overall I feel like countries are trying a little harder to put things into perspective compared to half a century ago. Of course this is just my personal observation on the issue. But yes. I too got bothered by over sensitivity in multiple occasion. Wether or not it’s good to trade racism against over sensitivy, naivity and anxiety is a diffrent question. Maybe it is, that people are trying to be better, but weren’t really able to grow to the point where they can. And so it got overtuned into over-sensitivity… for the time being.

I’ve heard people tell me “You are an a hole for thinking this way”
Me: “Are you serious?”
They: “Yes I am”
Me: “Jeez. Oh boy”

It’s scary when people get “serious” over a joke or a comment… if we lose our sense of humor, if people get serious over a habit… and try to enforce their way of life on me… then there is nothing I can do, or would want to do. That’s parents job… if they messed up… why would I try.

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That’s why my idea is to put all love into the new generation. People get stiff and stubborn from a certain age onwards… all my hope goes to the children of tomorrow.

TCF stands for Terran Crying Force. A very fitting term for this race that is causing climate-change with all their salt they are producing.

When BatZ is right he is right big time.

Terran Crying Force haha
This is awesome. Is there any meaning to PPP to? And what about Zerg?

PPP stands for Protoss Platinum Patrol, a term coined by Silver/Gold terrans trying to hide their inferiority complex by cosplaying people with higher Ranks.
Notice their fixation in the boundaries of Obsession with “our race is the hard race”.
All those false-narratives in clinical psychology and beyond (psychiatry) denotes deep insecurities and people in the realm of neurosis.

Zergs as far as i know do not have any label. Truth be told they whine less than terran (and Protoss).

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Protoss Platinum Patrol :joy:
Honestly I love this.

To bad there is no Zerg label yet. I wish there was so I could finally make sense of my life :joy: This is really funny. Since when do these terms exist? Does it go far back? Or is it more a modern thing?

I was present in the time when the TCF term was created, unfortunately it was not me that created that term. I forgot who was.
Besides TCF there is TTT (Terran Tear Troupers) and others but TCF stuck.
It was 2-3 years ago.
After Patch 4 the terran whine reached unprecedented heights and the protoss response had to be increased by ridiculing such terrans and making them harmless.

I really like urban stories like this. It’s so… Underground ; ) Thanks for sharing. I’m eager to see if and when Zerg joins the band.

That would be kind of epic…

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Nah fam; people just like to be in a movement for the gram. As long as there’s a large acceptance, people will chant to anything,