Tired of Racist Comments on games and chat

I live in America and we are obsessed with race and racism. It’s been apart of gaming culture since we all came online but I’m just sick and tired of it when I’m playing.

Like I mentioned the racist rhetoric is even on Blizzard’s chat channels, and then when I play games there’s always a player or group of players that need to drop the N word and white power garbage. If I report them I literally see them again the same day or afterwards.

Will Blizzard ever do anything about this? or will it be about profits over everything?

Even on these forums there’s so many racist comments and I’m SURE there will be a bunch of racists that will perpetuate it.

I go online to have fun and play a game not deal with racism, Blizzard what will you do about this?


So how does other players know ur race if you dont mention it?

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Parental controls —> mute BNet


I guess they don’t, just use indiscriminately racist bombs hoping it ill stick to someone.

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It says on the teams menu.


lol champ, that funny.

ya, it was the sex jokes and politic arguing that i left chat channels for, guess i didn’t stick around long enough for the racisms.
in game, just click the report option, which will auto block them. maybe blizzard will do something, maybe they would, but it will at least at them to your ignore list. or just ignore outright if you think reporting is a waste of time ( which i admit it often seems)

I dont actually care about the topic but i tought certains words were already blurred out includin n word (i dont remember test tho no need to use it) . I think op made this up.

It’s funny that you don’t see this stuff in other games. That’s because they have a really good chat moderation system, and people can get muted/banned very quickly for saying something bad. On the other hand, you have the wonderful, free speech zone that is the SC2 General chat, and I must say, it is the epitome of free speech. You can pretty much say whatever you want and get away with it. It makes me love and hate the game so much at the same time.

filters can be turned off. i do it, so i dont really care if adult words, but some attacks on ppl for race, etc, dont require words that would be censored anyway.

Reasons why anyone who values their brain cells leaves the in game general chat pretty much immediately. Its just a bunch of children saying stupid stuff. Trust me leave it, your brain cells will thank you later.

If you reported them I can guarantee you aren’t seeing the same person type anywhere else because reporting also blocks the person for you, meaning you wont see their chat anymore. But yeah reporting basically does nothing in Sc2. Need like 100 people to report someone for it to work and even then good luck.

As far as the forums go, Ive been here for a very long time and I don’t think ive ever seen a racist comment. So idk what you are talking about there. I’m sure there is one or two around but i’ve never seen it.

All and all though, this is the internet man. You aren’t going to be able to stop idiots from being idiots on the internet. The best thing you can do is just ignore it or mute all chat in game. These comments will never go away on the internet. Its a fact of life.

Chat in my native language/region wasn’t even bad, from time to time some child, but then when I changed server and played in NA it automatically started with general chat and oh man, that was the real experience,childs talking about politics and racism.When I used to be active on my native chat I remember people stopping any attempt of trolling or flaming with politics and the few trolls usually ended getting muted by the people after some days, we used the chat to talk about random and silly stuff including sc2 but it wasn’t never a chat you could be ashamed after seeing it, was pretty nice loggin because you wanted to play and finished your game session without even playing because you just chatted all the time,but that was long ago,people stopped playing and eventually everyone entered into isolation mode leaving the chat.

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I think it is because some people use “racism” complaining as a weapon to maintain power and control over others.

Just shows you what many people actually think. Since they are anonymous they can say it.

But black people are not minority. Not in the usa either in the world… I would rather completely take out racism definition and use global and same rule settings for everyone lets call it forexample prevention of bullying (in a group or something when one person is pretty much defenceles).

So what everyone is saying is Blizzard wont do anything about racist players. We all should just accept racism as part of gaming because its always been like this.

The only time I’ve ever heard Blizzard condemn racist comments and I could be wrong, it could’ve been twitch, was a few years ago at blizzcon a black pro player playing heartstone was called every racist word under the sun.

Would anyone have a statement from Blizzard that shows they are doing something about racism?

Heck I would like to ask them here what do they do against racism? I know they are active on forums and I would really appreciate a response.

Well welcome to sc2 forums, home to a lot of toxic behaviour, insults, and mostly people say to each other: shut up I am gm/masters and your opinion doesn’t matter, because your mmr is lower than me :smiley:


speak for yourself plz.


I think you are the only one obsessed with race.

This garbage of absolute hatred being spewed in general chat is ridiculously out of control. Way to abandon your user base blizzard.

Wat they tell u ??,…