Tips for Scythe on Amon on Hard?

I can’t seem to beat this mission with the optional quest. Either we go west to get expansion early but the ship dies as we recover our army, or we go north to secure the ship safe point but we get drained of resources easily because no expansion

Also why the hell there are zerg “civilians” being rescued there?

'cause I ain’t leaving without my Carbot Zergling Plushie.


Anyways, to give a better answer. The best way to get the bonus and still have enough army to assault the expansion shard is it have a good early game build order, and to micro your small starting army carefully so as to not lose too many units. Different CO’s are going to have drastically different ways to do this, so there’s no one size fits all. If you’re using someone who has top bar abilities, this would be a good time to use then liberally. Either for clearing the first bonus area, or to help push the expansion shard. The shard right outside your starting base should be easy to take down whenever you get a few units. But again, make sure you’re not losing them. You’ll need to start that snowball rolling sooner to have an easier time with the rest of the mission.

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I have seen this done two ways… but on hard I notice a lot of people clear first shard and then go straight up to clear shuttle area.

Depends on commander… but I managed to cannon rush first shard and then the first shuttle area as Karax. Really requires both commanders working together though.


You have to be proactive to clearing areas before the shuttle spawns otherwise you probably won’t have enough time between destroying the shards.


If you can’t do both you need to choose what’s more important to you.
But stronger commanders (like Zeratul) can pretty much get expo and protect the shuttle without too much effort.

that is pretty much what i do on that map:
clearing the first shard north of starting location, clear out the 1st evac spot north of the first shard;
clearing the shard on top expos position, clearing bottom left evac spot and if there nuff time get the shard north of that or the get the northern one closer to the last evac spot and get the remaining shards

edit fixed some stuff like missing chars ._.

That’s exactly my way as well.

If you tell us which commander and prestige and maybe share a replay then more specific help can be given.

Also, check out

You can either go bottom right - bonus (get pathway leading to top shard as well - expo - 2nd bonus - top middle - clear path to 3rd bonus - bottom right - top left

You could take expo - bottom right - bonus

It’s harder early but you are in much better position macro wise for the late game.

Make units for countering air especially armored air late in game regardless of the enemy comp . You need it for the hybrid nemesis and all the air units guarding the shards.

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I was Raynor lvl 12 and Artanis lvl 10 on both times where I can actually win normally but not without failing the evacuation

The safe way is to clear north first, regroup quickly with your ally, then heading west. You’ll get solar bombardment upgrade soon, which should help clearing the shard west to your base. Maybe hold off on teching too far until the expo is up and running.

Just to know, when you cast the Hyperion playing Raynor, do you move it constantly or you keep it static until it clears what it has at range and then move it to another place?

I keep it moving yes, the Battlecruisers are like Diamondbacks right?

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Yes for Artanis if you clear bottom right shard just north of your base, you can use shield overcharge for first bonus, and solar bombardment for expansion shard.

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The major problems I’ve found with this map are that people want to rush it and they want to clear in a different order than you. Both will get your armies wiped out and will likely make you lose the level. The key is to communicate before you start clearing. Work together to get the first 2 shards and bonus cleared. Personally I like to go for the shard by first bonus point then exp shard so that I’m not rushed to clear bonus. I also prefer to play Abathur and farm the portal at first shard by bonus and get 3 brutalisks early to tank and clear bonus and 2nd shard. One suggestion from an earlier reply is to use your top bar abilities liberally. You’ll want to use them to help clear bonus and second shard. If you’re playing a hero unit then use them to clear portals and enemies but let your ally clear the shard while you move on to bonus if the hero is capable. Let your ally help with the next shard. Remember to move your units out of the lightning storms and kill stun slivers before they kill the selected units.
TLDR talk to ally and clear stuff together

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Don’t be racist. Also, I’m brutal only.