Tier placement per season

Hi all!

I started playing ranked games only recently and (3. season in 2023). At the end of the last season I was doing semi-okay in gold tier, but got booted to bronze tier at the start of this season (1. season 2024). Now, this is fine by itself. However, it seems that bronze tier is packed full of players who are former platinum/diamond. So a real slaughter :slight_smile:

So my question is, are tier placements reset after a certain number of seasons and everybody gets thrown back to bronze?

are you playing 1v1 or teams

My post was about 1v1

shouldnt be any problem with the ranks in 1v1, they keep that in check pretty well. If you were playing teams the ranks are completely messed up for 2v2 and 4v4 as well as a bronze league bug that will keep most everyone in 2v2 in bronze league till you hit plat 1 mmr.

but as for 1v1 they make sure its right due to all there tornaments and 1v1 being there baby.

At least on EU the border bug is back. You will see a lot of players in provisional mmr who just got the master league but only have like 2200 mmr or something, meaning clearly not masters. And also kinda the other way round is true. Below plat 1 everyone is bronze because of a bug.

So dont worry, you will still get matched by mmr, so it actually doesnt matter.

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