Thoughts on GOAT

MVP was losing matches because he was injured, when he was in his prime, he was the best by far.
he would dominate in this era too.

Maru has had a wrist injury for almost 2 years now and he has won a GSL and taken 2nd or 3rd several times. Don’t make excuses for them.

MVP injuries were worse dude.
he even had shoulder and neck pain.

and when MVP was playing, Maru was playing too and he didnt win anything.

Maru was a kid. Serral didn’t go beast mode until his 20s. And yes, the wrist issues were unfortunate. But MVP was a mediocre BW player and was not the strongest (mechanically) before his injuries. Sorry, as impressive as his achievements were, he is in the same tier as a guy like Nestea… not GOAT material like a Serral, Rogue, or Maru.


Maru was like 14 at time. He probably had a calculus test in the morning.

The fact that his body fell apart by 23 just cements the argument against his GOAT status. SC2 is part physical, part mental. If his wrists couldn’t handle drawn out mech battles on tiny maps, they would explode with the multi-tasking requirement in today’s game.

And what? I don’t understand why do you try to compare everyone to the modern players. I mean, Mohammad Ali would be beaten to the hell by the modern boxers. His opponents weren’t even closely strong as modern boxers in terms of technic and speed. Using your logic, he is trash and not one of the boxing GOATS.

No, people talk about Ali because they believed his skillset and athleticism would translate well to any era. GOAT doesn’t necessarily need to mean the greatest ever, but you should be able to make a really strong case that your GOAT could hang with the best if he had the benefit of the same training and advances in the game. Realistically, Ali is no longer GOAT material given the current genetic and talent pool in heavyweight boxing, just as calling the best swimmer in 1900 the GOAT of swimming would be laughable.

But using that logic, the only people who can be GOAT are the one who compete today. And they would be trash in 10 years, because there would be people, who would beat them. And this where I can’t follow your logic. The skills, the technic, the opponents, everything gets harder everywhere all the time, that why it makes NO SENSE for me to compare any player or athlete from the past to modern ones, because by that logic, you always choose the modern one. This means that GOAT does not exist, because in a few years instead of Serral or Maru we will have Clem winning everything, making them trash. So I still think that the GOAT should always be picked by looking into achievements and the way the player played against the opponents of his time.

GOAT is subjective. That said, if I extend your logic in sports I would find many athletes who utterly dominated their competition for their entire career (which is not that rare early in sport when talent pools are small), who would also be hopelessly outclassed had they been born today as talent pools grow larger. Do you want your GOAT to be the guy who won everything there was to win against a talent pool of 10 people, or the guy who won more than anyone else when the talent pool was 100,000. If the answer is “of course the latter”, then we’re quibbling over where you draw that line. Maru and Rogue won a similar amount of tournaments as MVP, but they have longevity and have been able to hang with the best for a decade.

But the pool of players in 2010 and until 2013 was a few millions of players. Right now we have few hundred thousands, so like 1/10 than back there.

Most of the people who are dominating now were little kids when SC2 came out, or were from the Kespa guard. The example of wildly different talent pools is just pointing out the logical absurdity against your bias toward calling a player from a modern era the GOAT.

No, what I am arguing about is not that modern players cant be GOATs, it is about “only modern players can be GOAT, because they would beat any players from the past”.

I would tend to agree, BUT he doesn’t play GSL, which is where Maru (and Terran in general) succeed.

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Ironically, its both: the better you understand what you need to do and the less time you spend thinking - the higher your APM gets. More multitask ability makes your APM higher. Better mechanic makes your APM higher.

However during the fights when you need to control a lot of units individually the more amount of actions you can do - the higher skilled you are.

How do you know whose injury was worse?