Thoughts in chaos

Back then, when the protoss were mystical and not your average brotoss… There were two kinds of archons.

The original archon was drunk on its own power and at the same time filled with unsatable fury and the crave for destruction.

While the bright archon had low Hp - reflecting the remnants of organic matter in the massive cloud of energy - the dark archon remained incomplete and was left with a bigger chunk of organic matter. His voice in SC1 - other than in SC2 - was less serene and much more filled with anguish. He screamed in terror or pain if you teased him.

So - with that in mind - what does „Thoughts in Chaos“ really mean?

Does it mean that his thoughts are in disarray and he can’t get a clear thought? Then his mind would be in a state of chaos. Then it would be hard to mindcontrol other beings but it would fit the diversion spell.

Second explanation: Does it mean that he reached a state of consciousness that connects him to the void and his thoughts echo through this realm of chaos and are the only thing connecting him to the outside world? So his thoughts actually are located in a place of chaos?

Could be - but a little far fetched.

What are your thoughts? State of chaos - place of chaos - or sth. Entirely different?

I think you’re putting to much thought into it, and thus, your thoughts are in chaos ;).

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He is just really angry and wanted to be poetic.

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