This game is so complex the only way to balance is

separate modes for pros and non pros who want to reach at least masters…

  • for the “real mode” for pros, let it be as it is now…since god maru can still beat the crap out of toss and zergs
  • for the “human mode” for non pros…this is where toss should be nerf bcos terran and zerg got the highest skill ceiling and toss being monkey friendly.

but hey im just bored again this game is in zombie mode they wont give a shlt to their lowest earning game while the top executives have scandals/harassment cases now


Do you mean separate players based on MMR level? I would like this quite muchly. I just battled vs a bronze league tosser with 26+00 MMR. The results were not in my favor.

But how would “pro level” be defined? :thinking:

We need a real matchmaking system, like a dating system, where people are matched on more complex information.
People who are here for a casual game, for a big challenge, for achievements, to see how fast they can rush, to see how an attrition war turn out…if they can state what they are here for, the system should make an effort to take in in account.
Of course, this post is for future generations of game developers, seeing that implemented in SC2 is most likely unreasonable.

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It’s so complex to realize SH are an automatic win against mech and that terran is underpowered…

There is no simpler task than balancing SC2 yet the devs have brainwashed you into thinking the opposite. They failed in every way astronomically if their goal was to make a balanced game.

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Or you actually need be better each your game because all do mistake but work on improving

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That can be said about every pro. So many mistakes on all accounts even though we’re being told countless times “They’re pro so they’re excuses from this” is ignoring the problem at hand and playing favorites. There’s 2 definitions for being a pro and 1 of them is getting payed which is illrevent of being a pro. The second is even more illrenvent due to the fact humans will always learn so the perfection doesn’t count. :thinking:

I will love to have and be apart of every bracket for every one to start fresh with no tricks. The flow will take it from there instead of having a precise amount that reflect tiny bit of what they’re selling as “The best”. Everyone is on a equal playing field and there will be plenty of challengers to face. I will chip in to help Blizzard build it even though other games already have it like chess. :smiley:

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I actually think if zerg goes SH, it is a free win for the terran. Kill a wave, pull some scv’s and go kill them.

Ignore the moron that opened this manure thread.
Such clowns are better isolated.

This game is so complex

I stopped reading there. This game is already super simple as is. It’s a game of APM endurance and that’s it really. It doesn’t matter what build you spam as long as you spam it well. You can legitimately win Code S games using single factory tank production in TvT. The strategical element of the game is dead and that’s the only part of the game that required even an ounce of brainpower. It’s all about keeping up a 500 apm sprint for 20 minutes straight. APM spam ignores decision making since it favors split second reactions which must happen so fast decision making is irrelevant. You can measure this in chess, by the way. The magnitude of mistakes skyrockets by the time pro players have about 15 seconds left on the clock. SC2 “decisions” are made in tenths of a second. Do you really think analysis and strategy can exist on the time-scales of 0.1 seconds? Reality check: strategy plays a minor role at most (0.01%-1.0%). The game is 99-99.99% APM.

If you want a game even easier than this super easy one, I’d recommend playing some tic tac toe.

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