The state of Protoss hurts so much, no point in playing

I have alot of tolerance for slight imbalances in asymmetrical race rts’s, but protoss is so hardly done by its just depressingly unfair.
Both terran and zerg have a no-brain mass little units - marines or zerglings, move out harass or just push and win, and the amount of stress protoss has to go to hold that is insane. Protoss cannot compete with lower level armies and cannot manoeuvre enough to defend if they try to fortify. Dont give adequate defense to one of your say 3 bases? lose it in an instant with 0 risk. Dont mass enough early to hold the initial push of low-level units from either zerg or terran up to say 12mins? Just die. Move out and harass with an initial push? Do a bit of damage, they flood with units and counter, just die. They get greedy and expand to 3 or 4 bases? What are you going to do about it? Oracle is thwarted with just one spore colony per base or just a queen around, marines take 2 steps to push it away, who cares? Send some units out? Great they immediately spawn a ton more, kill your attack and then you. Whether you push early or fortify a few bases and build up its insanely risky whatever you do. And if you take just a bit of economy damage, gg, you aren’t catching up. It’s so wierd Protoss have been left as they are and it hurts.


Zealot destroy lings plus’s zap your army at any base for defensive.

So I don’t feel bad since you clearly have no ideal what u talking about.

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‘Zealots destroy lings’.

Here’s a few things for you to consider -

It’s cheap and easy for zerg to have more bases up than protoss. With inject at each say they’re on 3 base vs 2 for protoss (common) - thats a staggering higher production of zerglings that can get their speed upgrade faster. And then when you collide both armies head on, even if they were about even cost early zerglings sht on zealots, or simply bypass and head for the minerals which is gg anyway.

Clearly you’ve given it 0 thought and yet another denial zerg or terran to keep your advantage. ‘Zealot destroy lings’ wtf lol. The rate at which you can pump out lower level units which are flat out better than early game protoss units is stupid. Our only hope is to out-tech it somehow if you leave us alone or watch you take any expansions because we cant defend them.

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Hot take from someone who has a very bad rep in terms of game knowledge to the point that you literally get ignored by many guys because your take is just too far off.

The more recent bad takes were: fungal growth is bad because it doesnt really deal damage and the slow duration of 4(!) seconds should be doubled.

Or: Corrupters are bad vs carrier/bc (in the sense that they should be much stronger vs them).

Also no, not really. Zerglings scale pretty aweful vs zealots thats true but at first the completly dominate zealots, for example 1 zealot vs 4 lings, the zerglings can win without any loss or 2 zealots vs 8 lings and so on and so forth. Also its worth noting that you can actually pick the fight as zerg/with zerglings.
The dynamic changes in midgame when there are so many zealots that actually cant really get surrounded anymore and thus minimizing the surface area. Also, archons are a thing too.

Luckily for zerg there is a very easy accessable mass destruction unit that can be morphed from zergling to change that :smiley:

Pro gamers consider marine and zergling to be S-tier unit and the zealot rather to be an A-tier unit. Both units, marine and zergling, are much much stronger and much more versatile than the zealot and both will win fights easily vs zealot. Especially marine vs zealot. There its the other way around: Marines are at first kinda weak vs zealots/require a lot of micro. But after hitting a critical mass they shred through zealots with ease.

Ofc its logical and balanced that t1 of zerg/terran >> t1 of protoss. This has to be because of warp mechanic and to compensate this, protoss has stronger tech. The downside of that is obviously that the tech isnt actually as strong as it needs to be and being dependant on tech means you are very fragile in the early game before you get the required tech and also because its pretty much clear which tech you are aiming for, you can be countered rather easily and once you lost your 1 or 2 important tech units you are pretty much dead.


^ Thanks for the considered reply, was hoping to hear good points like this.

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I think the consensus is now go zerg or terran. protoss is dead. im switching

You only needed 9y to come to that conclusion…

I actually came back for the last couple of months as I was itching to play starcraft and yea i ran into the same wall as protoss I did a couple years back so…I tried lol