The Official Petition for a Balance Patch!

That’s a really interesting way to write: “You’re right I just don’t want to admit it.”

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The irony is that if they hadn’t announced the map contest I wouldn’t have been as disappointed that we didn’t get new maps.

That is debatable. A slow unit that costs 1 supply and 25/75 that is easily snipped is simply different not better.
Protoss had something that had a similar function with tumor/sensor (the permanent Stasis) but Blizzard in his infinite wisdom and love for Protoss…nerffed to the ground (imagine tumors on a timer…).

You can’t compare those units (Ravens have auto-turrets and infestors Fungal), following that line of reasoning one can also say that …Disruptor has no attack.

Only a Tearan would whine about Obs speed. And that’s exactly what Special Type Of Whine done did.


What on Earth are you smoking, kid? Protoss has been nothing but buffed the past 2 years. Otherwise, GM/masters/diamond representation would be going down, not up. Time to rectify your beliefs with reality or get blocked. The choice is yours.

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Lmao. Poetic justice. Report-abuse trolls end up taking their own “month-long vacation.”


Clowns and their pathetic threats. In old days of USSR there was a Russian joke with the Chinese “warnings”:

Ultimatum Nr. 456 …extremely serious!

This joke of a poster has “blocked” by now 99% of the forum that does not buy his ridiculous BS.
Last to be “Blocked” is …Skipper that sent his rubbish in the garbage with a single-sentence.


The lack of self awareness is truly astounding. You are the clown making pathetic threats. Dozens of times you’ve cried “report him!” but alas it’s you with the new account :clown_face:. By the way, it wasn’t me who reported you either. I don’t use the report function since it rarely if ever works.


LOL, that’s not a threat but a call to all sane posters for purifying the forum from scum like you.
And i stand by that call last week, now and in the future.
If you see that as threat that’s your problem, not mine.


Eh only terran create whine the most


I really thought this would get more upvotes! Nobody wants a patch?!?

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I suspect at least 2/3rds are from alt accounts too. Daed game gonna daed game.

I waant to buy stripes and spots for my zerglings. :.c

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We really need a new balance patch, this meta is very frustating for a lot of players below pro level, especially Z in ZvP, you literally need to spam queen walks or you have to go for the late game and wait at least 20+ minutes of P camping to have a chance of ending the game, and to make things worse you almost need pro level army movement and spell caster control to have a chance of winning, not to say that is imba but man, it should feel very fustrating (honestly if i were Z i would have quit since double stargate is a thing).

If this hypothetical patch happens, i would love to see

  • Protoss ground buff vs zerg (let’s be real man, lurkers are imba vs P ground, but don’t nerf them, it would wreck the current status of ZvT and ZvT is in a perfect balance, except for this map pool that’s T favored)
  • VR and overcharge battery nerf (i mean the first is literally a skytoss free pass in ZvP and the second is a free out of jail for 14 SECONDS, OMG WHAT WERE THEY THINKING WITH THIS, i could live with 5 or 6 but 14 seconds XD)
    -Viking buff against toss (so you don’t have to be maru to play late game against P, don’t lie to me P players the 80% of PvT that you face is a 2 base all in or a variation of this with a third)
    -No more cliff-wall with two structures or at least give the reaper the oportunity to jump off with his granade
    -battery can be disabled with interference matrix
    -a slightly 4 gate nerf so it hits a couple of seconds later (maybe 4 or 5 seconds) so more macro games are encouraged in PvT

Well no - Lurkers are OP like Ultra were at LotV release BUT every Terran goes for all-in or semi all-in before Lurkers join the party thus they don’t have time to affect he game much. If Lurkers are out in large numbers only few people like Clem can deal with them. Terran army doesn’t have counter to Lurkers.

So in the ladder the meta is to kill Zerg before Lurker or die trying. Its the same as it was with Ultras and the same as it was with Infestor-Broodlord. And you can see that in the ladder win rates of Terran vs Zerg are pretty even (okay I had 80% but that because I played a lot of game with friends - more so than games on the ladder - and they all are Zerg).

Honestly I don’t understand Blizz balancing approach - first they buff something to the level of being OP, and than nerf it to the level of being garbage.
Zerg deserve to get slight buff to Ultras (like +1 armor), Broodlords (like +1 range) and Infestors, and get a nerf for Lurkers.

Speaking of Infestors, I would return full stun to the Fungal. The reason why Terrans on the very top have higher win rate in TvZ than Zergs is IMHO that they can get so much more value from Medivac harass than people with less speed and multitask. I have an idea that stunn from Infestors could help… especially if we make Fungal to be able to be cast while being burrowed (when that was the case the Infestors were very, very strong against bio army).

Another thing is that in TvZ you need 2 unit grops (3 in late game), and in TvP you need 4 and perfect control with all 4 of them or your army that is supposed to counter Protoss army even at you supposed “timing window” will just die.

They should remove SHield Battery allogather and bring back Mothership Core.
Unit that costs only minerals, heal at 4x rate of Medivac and starts with full mana AND ON TOP OF THAT can give invulnerabilty to different units for 14 seconds is OP AF.

Won’t help: one of the reason why Battery Overcharge work so well is that you can’t snipe battery with your entire army without suffering catastrophic damage.
If you build a Raven and fly with it anywhere close Protoss army it will either get sniped by Stalkers, or get sniped by Phoenixes.

Nearly every Protos on the ladder consider his duty to go for 2 base Blink all-in, but when/if he sees that Terran is ready for it, Protoss just puts third Nexus.
Investment in 8 Gates is nothing for Protoss.
He knows that with Battery Overcharge he can hold any Terran counterattack with Tanks and marines that were built to hold his Blink all-in that didn’t happened.
Hold long enough to get Charge and Colossus that will just vaporize any Terran tank push.

The game is in a pretty good state atm but it could still use tweaking.

  • Window Mines are basically Terran Disruptors at this point for TvP. I feel like they could use a nerf. Probably by lowering the +shield damage or removing it entirely OR by making Widow Mines take 4 cargo space when loaded into a Medivac.

  • Thors HIP is also overpowered. Needs -1 range.

  • I’d also like that crappy Zealot ‘change’ to be reverted and instead; Charge deals +2 damage (+2 per attack upgrade) with reverted movement speed.

  • Observer movement speed nerf needs to be reverted too. That nerf was wanton bias.

  • Disruptors also need a change. This unit feels completely unfair and isn’t fun to watch - and yet Protoss need it because nothing else they have has enough, consistent AoE damage vs everything to stop gigantic globs of units from simply overruning them. Force Fields USED to do this but it’s so easy to break them these days. I don’t know what could be done to fix them without messing up matchups though; Protoss needs them but they’re also the pinnacle of bad design. They’re the Protoss Widow Mine.

  • Finally; I think Zerg need some love and frankly; 12 pool cheeses need a nerf. 12 pool isn’t even all-in from Zerg (I think slightly larger maps or maps with more winding paths to one another’s main bases could potentially fix this issue).

  • Broodlords are almost useless now, for their cost. They need a cost reduction or maybe a buff to Broodlings. In combination with the Thor HIP nerf I suggest; this could be good for ZvT.

  • Ultras need push priority (maybe only for allied units). It’s that simple.

That’s what I’d like to see happen. Most of it is pretty easy to test and none of is particularly revolutionary. Just some reverts to bad decisions made by the previous balance team, a return to larger maps which hopefully discourages ZeRg 12 PoOl and some compensation for the massive nerfs Broodlords had while taking away the reason why Ultras are laughably bad in 99.9% of scenarios along with slight retooling of the Widow Mine for TvP harass, in which Widow Mines are exceptionally low skill vs moderate skill to defend those drops (the problem is the disparity between ease of use vs ease of counter very early in the game and requiring 2 Medivacs for a 4 Widow Mine juggle drop would help OR making Widow Mines not 1 shot Probes would help. The interaction between Zealots and Widow Mines is largely irrelevant because Widow Mines end up killing a Terran player more than a Protoss player when used vs Chargelots; the proper answer has always been Blue Flame Hellbats)

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would be happy if they cahang
Sb is not a good design, it promotes turtle and cheese.
Also a nerf for void, too simple too much utility. promotes sky toss to easy.

Generally all the air stuff that can’t be punished.

current status (pure mind experinment , ignores TvZ ) add infestet Terran.
So Toss has to think if he really wants to turtle. Zerg must be reactive, ground push? sky push? toss can not go brain dead in sb/ cannon…

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aks Protoss weak buff protoss back, nerf others , known story. But your nooby disruptors gotta stay same way. just typical low effort PPP comment

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I’m actually diamond :slight_smile:

The only Protoss buff I’m advocating for is reverting the observer movement speed buff

6.5/10 Wouldn’t feed to my sicky dog.

Nerf Stargate units buff Robotics units (though not disruptors)

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