Trust me,you wouldn’t want to play a game balanced around lack of skill.
I don’t trust you a single word
“Only Pro level balance matters” - blizzard doesn’t think this way, they literally combined terran building armor and neosteel bunker upgrades just to get MyOhMind to stop talking about it.
You want Protoss nerfed so badly you’ll pull out any lie you can from where the sun doesn’t shine to make your point
I get what you are saying, but I would imagine that eventually the balance team has to make a decision and favor top level than lower level balance. I would thinkit is extremely hard to balance for both. And at least because it is balanced for the top level, I know there are ways I can improve to have better results, otherwise it would be even more frustrating if after a certain level the game would be inherently imbalanced.
I am not saying that lower level balance does not matter (I prefer to call this design issues than balance issues), or that it should be neglected, there are definitley design issues with different races that make certain strategies much easier to pull off than to fight against them (P: Skytoss, Z: SH-Nydus, Terran: Maxed out Mech army), but I would still prefer they emphasized balance at the highest level than elsewhere.
As someone said above, you would not want to play a game where it is balanced at lower levels.
Has that change affected the pro level or even balance?, it was a meme upgrade that was almost never researched and now the priority for the upgrade its still low, not to mention that was years ago.
That’s the point. Blizz made the change even though it wasn’t needed at pro level.
That’s true, but at the same time you expect that literally every disparity in accomplishment is due to all 100,000 Zerg players just magically being more skilled. So, you know, hypocrite much?
… You balance the game for everyone period. That is how games are supposed to be balanced. And if one person wins all the tournaments that is not my problem. it is not like we have that scenario play out any way.
However what the bliz team has done was take a lazy approach. Instead of balancing the game for everyone they must figure that it is easier to balance the game for 10 people…
here are 1 to 5 players that are simply better than everyone and despite their changes these 5 or so players will always be in the semi finals of each tournament. If you go back to every single tournament for the past 3 years its always the same 5 or so people there.
If you think about it they are not even balancing the game for them. They are balancing the game for outcomes. They said it themselves they they want certain percentage of each race in their premier tournaments. The only way to do that is to make certain races have advantages. If they did not We could have a situation like 2017 again when there were only like 2 or 3 premier tournaments where protoss got 3rd and that was the highest that they placed.
So the bliz team did what they always do. In this case they buffed toss. Since then they have muliple 2nd place finishes. numerous secondar major tournamnets wins and a few 1st place wins for the largest tournaments.
“I don’t understand anything about statistics so I made up this principle to pretend I’m right”
Thanks for your input
Did you or did you not cry that Terran was at 55% the one time it happened in over 2 years?
Certainly not your problem, it will be Blizzard’s problem.
Honestly you have valid point thats why if you cant macro and micro at the same time dont complain because the game is balanced around people who can at the high ranking people . Give you a simple advise DONT PLAY TERRAN and complain about being bad at the race . Its just that HARD. Dont wori we know how you feel . Im Still Salty about the Liberator vs Corruptors since Zergs cant split they nerfed their air to the ground so Zerg dont have to split their corruptors . Terran is all about Trading Army thats how i see the race. if you cant trade good you lose thats it. Just accept it or change race thats all. Im terran and i like it i dont care if i suck at the game.
Am I the best terran player. Not at all. I am far from it. at the same time I am far from being the worst player in the game as well. I would consider myself better tha 80$ of players. That puts me in diamond league somewhere.
If you are calling me a ladder noob compared to pro players. I guess I am . For what ever that is worth. It is also rediculous to call everyone that is not a pro player a noob. Then again it is asasine to call a pro player a noob and they are called that from time to time. So I get. it. NOOB is more so being used as a term to get better rather than what it used to be used for when I started playing game. Terms change meanings all the time.
With that being said. Your mindset about the game is probably better than mines. They will not balance the game for everyone and just have fun playing. It is a little hard to due know that you are playing someone with a handicap. then they have the nerve to talk trash behind it. They act like that handicap did not help them all things being equal.
Of course things are never equal right. Any way. perhaps I should take a different approach mentally. I man I can lose 100 times playing GEARS 5 on extremem difficulty or playing online. but here it is such a problem. Well maybe becuase I know that I am average at those games. but when I play this game I am average player playing people with advantages. That is also why I can accept T and Z losses but have a problem with P losses…
I digress.
Wrong sometimes it matters even more.
High Masters and Pro players usually don’t let the other players to get to a composition that is hard to deal with.
Like I asked Special how to deal with Skytoss as Terran in Plat. (yes I am Plat, it is not secret :D)
And he said you can go Marines Ghosts and Vikings. But the best thing is not to let them get to skytoss
So it is really nice to hear theoretically is possible to beat it or not let them do it. But it is hard to no let them go to skytoss with batteries, cannons, overcharge (Turtle Toss).
Maybe that statement does not make any sense. But some people that are low or high Masters on SC 2 forums tend be very offensive if lower league players have any what so ever opinions about balance.
Usually they: haha you are plat, you don’t even know how to create units, and for sure you don’t know how to use them.
Yeah tell me how to press a button to create a unit. Or please let me know how to use the attack button. OMG.
Since you’re responding to a post I have made I might as well reply directly. There is nothing untrue in my statement, though I appreciate the strawman of you building my argument to be only the top 10 people when I never at any point implied that, but that’s typical forum salt for you.
Starcraft was designed both for the mass audience, us, and for the competitive esports scene. Thus balance decisions and mechanical considerations first and foremost are bound by its viability as a competitive platform. Thus, there are a wide variety of considerations at work that will never enter into the general gaming experience of your lower leveled players. The vast majority of people playing this game cannot macro and micro effectively at the same time, and cannot control multiple groups of units at the same time. Due to the effectiveness of being able to use these skills the game must be balanced around that consideration, otherwise when a pro with those skills shows up, the game breaks and cannot function as an esport.
The game isn’t balanced for everyone, but it is designed to be FUN for everyone.
You don’t have to believe that, but high level players, pros, people that actually play this game at a competitive level all say the same thing. “Balance doesn’t matter sub GM” isn’t a lie, it’s an objective fact. Below this level you haven’t mastered the games mechanics enough, it is just that simple. For example, at our level, the fact that Banelings used to deal a bit more damage to units wasn’t making you lose games. You lost games because your opponent was better at a broad sweeping part of the game or you freaked out and tunnel visioned/made terrible decisions/whatever. But Serral vs. TY… that mechanical change actually had an effect. Since pro players don’t have problems with actually making units and buildings on time, the core mechanical functions of their units and the dynamics of the game matter more.
You can be salty all you want about protoss and it’s totally fine to be. The race is designed to be gimmicky and protoss tends to be an all or nothing race most of the time. But the fact remains that though there are more Protoss GMs, they’re less successful GMs (ie most toss GMs are in the bottom of the distribution) and Protoss is seldom represented in high brackets in the tournements and until Trap just now, toss was always a bridesmaid and never a bride.
So just because you don’t know how to beat them, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them mechanically, or that they’re OP. The game is not mechanically balanced for you because you can’t play the game at the level for balance to be the deciding factor.
Your name says it all: WhiteBull 9 posts.
When you created this account, did you forgot to ad Sh to your name.
Please use your main account on SC2 forums, don’t tell me you lost it
The problem is that it is not. I don’t think you or the few people that think like you really understand what it means for a game to be balanced for everyone to play. Then again maybe just maybe you do and there is a hidden agenda. For example if you are a pro player you want to eliminate the compeition. Perhaps your race is the one that is benefiting and you want to keep your winrate at a certain level.
It goes back to what I have always said. Only in starcraft the main player base think that it is ok to balane the game for 10 or so people becuase pro players need to make a living. Well not just any pro player the pro player that you like or at the least the one the plays the race that you play…
Keep believing in that.
I have fun when I play.