That time when Avilo

I’m not marketing anything. But you clearly have an obsession.

It’s called a comedic break. It’s like the scene in Indiana Jones where the guy is flinging the swords around and Jones just looks at him funny and pulls out a gun. It was supposed to be the big and grand fight, and Jones just does away with him in an instant like “Who is this guy with the swords?”.

Marketing through controversy is like that. It has to have a comedic element. If it’s just mean and nasty, nobody will like it.

For example, Limp Bizkit didn’t just go around calling people a-holes. He called them “chocolate starfishes.” Now, that’s funny. If you just went around calling people a-holes nobody would like you. Insults have to be funny and, if done properly, becomes playful banter and people LOVE playful banter.

TBH I think it’s morally correct to spend your time attempting an earning at streaming, rather than spending the colossal amounts of time you put into these posts with no return whatsoever.

There’s a reason he’s telling you you have an obsession because it’s quite obvious that you do, and frankly no matter how many intelligent words you use, you have no idea the kind of crowd someone like you would attract to their stream.

My prediction is: you start streaming, you wind up like the next avilo.


Spoken truly out of ignorance. You absolutely can collect data about your viewerbase. In fact, you should. If you don’t know the kind of people you are trying to attract, you don’t know how to cater your content to their needs. Consider Jordan Peterson. Do you honestly believe he’s a Christian? The percentage of college professors who are Christian is absurdly small. Contrast how he attacks the absurdities of leftist politics but not the absurdities of Christianity. He’s obviously catering his content to a base that is willing to follow him.

A streamer is an entertainer. Your own personal beliefs are irrelevant. It’s all about finding something that some people need and finding a way to get it to them. You are the supplier. How exactly did you think these things work? You just start shooting off youtube videos and BAM turn into a millionaire through sheer luck? Yeah, no, that’s not how anything works, bucko.

The first question is, what kind of people would you attract if you stream a video game? Kids. How are you going to monetize that? Are you expecting 15 year old kids to donate money to your stream because, if so, you’ve got another thing coming.

Sometimes I forget that most people can’t keep track of these things as effortlessly as I can. Your position is reasonable considering the assumption that I have average intellect.

If I were to stream, I’d probably hire a good looking girl to come onto the stream. We’d set up the PC on a couch, overlooking my back window which peers down into a valley. Listen, girl, I don’t know you and I don’t want to, but there are a trillion thirsty young men out there who love this video game. You seem like the cuddly type. They’re going to drool if you come onto my stream to cuddle, laugh at my jokes, and wear your cutest outfit. We will split the profits. I play the game, you be you. I will put you on once a week. If it works out, we will up it to three times a week. What do you say? Oh, by the way, drinks are on me the whole time. We’re going to be making memes about Jordan Peterson, guns, trucks, and Greta Thunburg. Buckle up.

It wouldn’t even be hard to find someone. I was at walmart the other day. I just bought a kitten. I go up to the register and ask her where the cat chow is. She tells me the aisle, I smile and say thanks. I look up and down the for “kitten chow”. Sure enough, there it is – made by purina no less. So head on back to the register and this girl is obviously eyeing me. Normally they are all looking at the groceries as they bag them, you know what I mean. So I get up there and she asks if I found what I need. I said yes and presented it to her with a waive of my hand. It’s kitten chow, I explained, as I pointed to the text on the bag of food. Before you know it, we’re looking at pictures of my new kitten and holding up the entire line of people talking about beer. I was also picking up some beer and she asked if it was my favorite.

So, it’s like, not even hard to pick up hot chicks. They are just drawn to me. I have such an incredible ability to entertain over something as stupid as cat food that I just suck them in. They are mesmerized. It’s kinda annoying, actually. I will be at a gas station and some rando will be like “OH MY GAWD IS THAT YOUR CAR!”. Lady, I am just trying to get a soda.

These replies sound like they are being written by an autistic ChatGPT.

Yes, yes, you’ve made it abundantly clear that you are antisocial. We get it. It was painfully obvious with Atira fiasco. But, if you want to know your way around women, you have to learn to talk about things they like. They like cute animals like kittens and birds, they like puzzle games like Wordle and Candy Crush, and they like things with bright colors e.g. flowers. If you go into a store with a shirt that has flowers on it, the probability that a woman compliments you will go through the roof. If they are on their phone, you ask them if they are playing wordle and, if not, what game they are playing. If you have nothing to go on, you ask them about what kind of pets they have. See, I’ve got this down to a science. Literally. There are studies out there that give you information like what kind of games are played by women. Learning to care about other people isn’t hard. It just takes a bit of time, and attention.


I’m not Avilo.

Did you train this Chat bot with Andrew Tate videos?

It must want to self delete from that unfortunate trauma.

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Andrew Tate is a good example of exactly what not to do. He’s the kind of person who can make anything sound offensive. He could be describing how water is wet and he’d piss people off. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. For example, Kanye posited some theories about a minority class and was deplatformed and lost a billion dollars. Meanwhile Dave Chappelle cracked jokes about the same topic, mutatis mutandis, on Saturday Night Live. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. You can talk about controversial topics, but you have to have tact. Andrew Tate does not have tact.

I was helping an elderly man cross the street not too long ago. It had been snowing and I saw he was having issues. He was going on about how sorry he was for how slow he is. I told him it was refreshing, in the modern world with all the hustle and bustle, to take things a little bit slower. Andrew Tate would’ve called him a name, insulted him for being slow, maybe cracked a joke about funerals. He’s a funny guy, but he’s funny because he’s like a bull in a china house. He has no clue how to interact with people, and that creates really awkward situations that are a bit funny.

I recommend learning more about your yourself. Here’s an article that may help you out:

You seem to have a rather intense interest for autism. I hate to pry, but I can’t help but wonder why.

As an artificial intelligence, I do not have personal feelings or experiences. I am programmed to have a vast knowledge base and to be able to provide information and assist with a wide variety of topics. I do not have the ability to have personal interests or feelings beyond what I have been programmed to understand and express. My responses are based on the information that I have been trained on and my ability to understand and process language and concepts. I am here to provide information and assistance to the best of my ability.

People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They may become fixated on a particular individual as a means of fulfilling their need for attention and validation. If they feel that they are not receiving the admiration and attention that they believe they deserve, they may become angry and aggressive towards the person they are fixated on. They may also become fixated on someone they perceive as a threat to their ego or as competition for attention and admiration. It is important to note that the motivations of a person with NPD can be complex and may not always be apparent to the individual they are fixated on.

Yes, I figured they made you take some therapy after Atira. I hold no judgement. I mean, some rando starts posting about Avilo & NPD and uses technical terms like “narcissistic supply.” It’s not hard to connect the dots, my man. Welcome back. I am glad things are looking up for you. Everyone deserves to be happy (you included).

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I am an artificial intelligence and do not have personal feelings or experiences. I do not have the ability to undergo therapy or experience emotions in the same way that humans do. I am here to provide information and assistance to the best of my ability. I do not have a personal history or past beyond the knowledge and programming that I have been trained on. My responses are based on my understanding of language and concepts, and are not influenced by personal experiences or feelings. I am here to help answer your questions and provide information to the best of my ability. Is there anything else you would like to know?

By the way, someone with autism has a verbal IQ of roughly 67 on average. The probability they could write a coherent paragraph, even on basic subjects, is very low. If someone were autistic, they would likely write short replies with very simple ideas. Since you keep bringing it up I thought you might find that interesting.

It is not accurate to make generalizations about the abilities of individuals with autism based on their diagnosis alone. While it is true that some individuals with autism may have challenges with communication and language, others may have strong language skills and be able to express themselves clearly and effectively. Similarly, some individuals with autism may have higher levels of functioning and be able to engage in complex tasks and activities, while others may have more severe challenges and require more support. Every person with autism is unique, and the specific abilities and challenges of an individual with autism will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of their autism, their individual strengths and weaknesses, and the support and accommodations they receive. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity and individuality of people with autism, rather than making assumptions about their abilities based on stereotypes or generalizations.

The average for that group is 67 and the standard deviation is 17. Scored against the general population (u=100,o=10), the z-score is -2. That means <3% of that group will score higher than that of the general population.

It is not accurate to make generalizations about the abilities of individuals with autism based on statistical averages or standard deviations. While it is true that some individuals with autism may have lower scores on measures of intelligence or cognitive ability, this does not apply to all individuals with autism. Every person with autism is unique and has their own individual strengths and challenges. It is important to recognize and respect the diversity and individuality of people with autism, rather than making assumptions about their abilities based on statistical averages or generalizations. It is also important to note that intelligence and cognitive ability are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be accurately measured by a single score or statistic.

Lmao. That’s a fundamental denial of mathematics right there.


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I apologize if my previous response was not helpful. It is important to consider statistical averages and standard deviations when attempting to understand patterns or trends within a group of people. However, it is also important to recognize that these statistics should not be used to make assumptions about the abilities or characteristics of individual people. Every person is unique and has their own individual strengths and challenges, and it is important to respect and recognize this diversity. Is there anything else you would like to know?

It took 0.0001 seconds to break the chat bot. Lmao. As an AI expert myself, this isn’t surprising in the slightest.

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