Tested Better Game Balance by MyOhMind

Gave a shot to his balance mod and got a happy surprise.

On Terran perspective the gas cost reduction to Ravens down to 150 made builds flow much better and turned it into a more solid caster. Was my favorite change. Hellbat and Cyclone changes were also very elegant imo as it turned TvP mech finally viable without changing any major stat in those units, specially the Hellbat.

On Zerg perspective, the Ultralisk is another example of elegant change. Just by changing the push priority, the unit moved from bad to GREAT. Lurker is also interesting to watch in ZvT.

On Protoss perspective, I need to admit I was very skeptical about Adepts shooting air but turned out to be an amazing change after testing. Now the unit have a solid ROLE dealing against light air units on ground and air and doesn’t stay on Zealot shadow anymore.

10/10 I recommend everybody to test out the mod with an open mind. Would be cool if Blizzard also integrated them to testing. Elegant, simple and interesting changes.


I’m not good enough to be a tester honestly. Was hoping that he would get some games on stream or YouTube.

You would be a good tester.

I don’t stream and I don’t have a youtube. I’m thinking about reaching out to people that do.

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You literally don’t learn the game at all until diamond. You can’t understand unit interaction if your mechanics aren’t close to optimal play.

Most players that play the mod range from Diamond to GM.


You suggested a platinum player would be a good tester. And to clarify what I meant, you don’t start learning the game until you break diamond.

That’s a higher league than whoever got frustrated about Observers.

And to clarify what I meant, you don’t start learning the game until you break diamond.

That makes more sense. But even Masters and GM players don’t know everything.


Blizzard is typically months behind the metagame, it wouldn’t surprise me if all of their balance designers are low league players. Even Artosis, a D1 player, understands the game better.

Everybody could test, you can play vs AI just to get the feel of the changes.

Ah man, come on. Just give it a chance…


Artosis can not be D1, he used to be a pro player - any former pro should at least be M1, even if they really have slacked off.

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Watch his streams, it’s true.


There are loads of Grandmasters who have no clue how the game works but you go ahead and keep virtue signalling your diamond league superiority. You can literally spam random build orders and random unit comps into GM if you want to. Beasty has done it for example. I’ve done it. Getting to GM these days is worthless since all the good players left when HotS ended and blizzard just keeps driving the game deeper into the ground.


Perhaps I should have said that it’s impossible to learn the game until you break diamond. And you’re completely wrong about the level of play from now and back in HotS. HotS level of play is a joke compared to now.

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Ok, how much money did myohmind give to seizon?

I guess his ego is out of all borders now lol… we saw like 80 years ago, what happens, if you support the wrong person lol.


The only thing I gave him was very good balance changes, that do exactly what they say.


I doubt, that someone in diamond league can judge, if a change is good or bad. Take any high master/gm and he will tell you, why your changes are bad.

playing against AI to feel the balance changes… ok…

Wrong. GM level play and pro level play has never looked this bad since early WoL. Back then players were so good, the idea that a foreigner could even take a game off of a korean was laughable yet the “best” player on Earth is now a foreigner.

Back then just to get GM I had literally every build order memorized with timings adjusted for every map, with strength / weaknesses and goals of each build memorized too, as well as what builds would counter them. I’d optimize my builds down to every drone. Now I can literally just spam random builds and people flop in the most idiotic ways. You can legit proxy hatch your way to 5.7k mmr, or 12 pool your way to GM. Both of these utterly ridiculous notions in HotS.

People have fallen into the rhythm of standard builds and have completely and totally forgotten the rest of the game, as well as why the standard builds are standard. If you do a 2 base roach build in ZvZ, they’ll sit there wondering on stream how you have such a fast 2/2 timing while having 5.5k mmr semi-pro player. Painfully bad.

The reason people think the pro scene has never been better is because the casters are ignorant (they’ve regressed in game knowledge as well) and hype the players without pointing out how egregious their play was and the player base doesn’t know any different.

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All of them(M-GM) that have played the mod have said the changes are really good. Some even play it when the Blizzard changes frustrate them.


Didn’t pay a penny. I tested by my own will. At least he’s trying to do something constructive for the game.