[Terran] Your Emperor demands your participation

Normal people do.

Eh, too harsh. Anyone who isn’t antropocentric bore does.

Valerian is actually compelling character with shades of gray, where his father’s pragmatic scheming and messiah complex is battling his mother’s altruism and diplomacy-first attitude.

Valerian is ten times cooler just because of his stepping down bluff in NCO or any single piece of dialogue in SC:Evo.

He is calculating and manipulative, but not heartless.

Anduin is just a Fancy Underwhelming Cuckish King Inferior, Not Great,

Mary Sue.

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Sounds like a fun character. SC - Evo?

Last official SC book by Timothy Zahn. Starcraft Evolution.

I feel like we talked about this before.

“People” are morons who wouldn’t know a good character if it hit them over the head.

Or more accurately, “People’s” definition of a good character is their willingness and ability to hit someone over the head. Anduin’s willing to look for solutions that don’t involve killing everyone in their way and that’s not edgy enough for them.

Reasonable counterpoint.

Same “People” actually often liked Jaina or Thrall in WC3, who were fine examples of people who were capable of throwing old hatred behind them and do some of that diplomacy thingy.

Unreasonable counterpoint.

Calling everyone who disagrees with you edgy is edgy.

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Today I learned that having war in your warcraft is “edgy”.

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Place of Peacecraft.

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Also, Anduin is medieval Valerian, not the other way around…


Yeah, Valerian is the OG with the Blood of The Emperor in his veins.

Also also, Valerian did not have to recover from having his bones shattered in thousands of pieces while gaining Spider-senses from them.

Something that was supposed to cripple Anduin not only turned out to have no bad consequences, but also reinforced him. He ain’t the Golden Boy for no reason :wink:

Hey. Tell us results please.

Raynor should’ve shot Tychus’ bomb fuse and disable the bomb, then tada, Raynor helped Tychus to escape his chicken suit and Tychus no longer aims to kill Kerrigan.

I know you are probably joking, but yeah that’s totally how that works.

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I know he’s joking but it’d be cool if Raynor at least tried…something.

Why y’all gotta remind me of Tychus and his tragic demise all the time?

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This reminds me of our unfinished argument that I’m too busy to continue at the moment.

Raynor knows about that death switch pretty early on in the campaign yet he decides to do nothing about it. He should have tried something and yet he didn’t…

Overall, he was way too trusting and easy going with Tychus from the get-go; especially when it became apparent early on that Tychus wasn’t on the level.

He was careless in general.

He didn’t care about Tychus’ troubles or troubles possibly caused by Tychus.

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I despise Raynor, Mengsk and Kerrigan. But I recognize the fault is with the writer rather than characters.

Long story short, I wish the Confederacy, Overmind and Conclave had never been shanked. While shallow to start with, they had so much room to be explored. The Dominion, Overqueen, and Daelaam never interested me. They obviously are never going to be written well.