Terran Quality of Life Buffs Suggestion

-Medivacs can heal units inside bunkers.
-Stimpack Ability can be set to auto-cast(auto-casts when unit attacks an enemy. Will not auto-cast if Stimpack is active).

:joy: Another change for who forget press stim or not getting over stim l2p

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You basically just dont want terran to have to activate abilities. But I can’t wait to make all your units stim at the presence of one zealot


200Limit stimmed against 1 zealot in field top kek

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Extremely bad suggestion… What if I like to scout and visit you often with a probe/drone?

You going to stim all of your marines to attack the probe/drone :slight_smile: ? Do you see where this sort of ‘QOL’-buffs is heading? The only way I would understand it is if you’re desperate to troll terran players at a Leeroy Jenkins level so they instantly ragequit. In that case it would be a good suggestion.

Actually better suggesion would be to PREVENT stimming if unit is stimmed already, to avoid dmg to your own units. Frankly i don’t understand why this hasn’t been introduced yet. So small thing !

Preventing stim on already stimmed units would be rather a nerf? It’s good to have the option to re-stim to refresh the full duration. Just to make sure it doesn’t run out while you move the screen to another location to make plays with other units or for macro purposes.

It would probably work either way. But I’m glad that it’s possible to refresh the duration on the fly as and when desired. I mean there is diffrent ways to look at this.

First one is ok, but hard no on auto stim.