Terran is unplayable

But, but… I maek Maree, I maek Marudur, why me no win?


Zerg constantly has the most APM in the whole game, by a wide margin.

A minute of silence, in respect of the Charge and Observer nerfs.

Thank you.

Is this an out of season (early) April Fools joke?


another terran whine thread. im shocked xD


There been a poster maybe a year ago that was arguing exactly your points. One wonders how SC1/BW was able to do such an excellent game in the span of a couple of years and with SC2 we have a pathetic dumbing-down of the game in the S (out of RTS) department.
Just consider another important characteristic of BW - granularity and mult-dimensionality.
Units -Reavers, Carrier etc entered the game and there were several upgrades (not Forge/Cyber) that transformed and upgraded further those units.
Reaver had 2 and Carrier had 2 (if i am not wrong).
It’s disgusting how you have a capital unit now by the minute 10 and you can do nothing beyond that…
They sacrificed complexity in the name of entertainment.


Gee, I wonder why? It’s almost like that’s not really feasible! Compositionally, we already incorperate other parts of our tech tree into our armies (ghosts for mech, and tanks/mines for splash and zoning for bio). But unlike zerg, you CAN’T simply do a full tech swap because of infrastructure expenses, upgrades, playstyle differences etc. Functionally it means that a true hybrid playstyle really isn’t viable.

Late-game Bio play is a thing, and it involves a lot more than this ridiculous misconception that Terran only goes for MMM. But that’s all you see, all you can process, apparantly.

It involves tanks/mines, liberators and ghosts. It can even involve Thors as a damage absorption unit or an anti-capital ship unit in a pinch, but realistically Thors are to slow and clunky to make propper use of in a bio army, and you generally have to cut out tanks/mines to make this work too.

And if, by some miracle, a terran is allowed to have a massive bank, the exuberant amount of time it takes to have all their infrastructure build for a tech swap to sky, and the time necessary to get their air upgrades to match their opponent’s, that is when you see a transition from bio to Sky Terran. Those moments are rare, however, and almost never possible, but they do happen on the odd occasion.


Ghosts and MMM with Liberators are supposed to be our late game vs Zerg.


A true hybrid style isnt feasible. But we incorporate liberators tanks mines and ghosts! Protoss has to build tech units the same way terran does but we cant build them two at a time. I’ve seen plenty of pro games where terran sticks on mmm the entire game. Just keeps streaming them across the whole game even though a perfectly good factory just sits there unused




So much for permanent virtual-Chrono that costs them nothing.

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I wouldn’t say it is unplayable, but it is a real drag.

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I find Terran the hardest race to play against currently.


Honestly if you look at the results in GSL super, things arent looking that bad for any race. It’s getting to a point where they could make some changes to Zerg aka queens or creep, but you got 1 Protoss, 1 Terran and 2 Zergs. Besides Zerg getting either creep or queens looked at, the ro4 is starting to look much healthier each tournament. Though one anomaly that strikes me as odd is that lots of matches are all 3-0’s. To me it still signifies allins are a big problem. I’d still like to see where the meta goes, Terrans are taking earlier than ever 3rd and 4th CC’s vs both Protoss and Zergs.

I think minus a change to queens or creep the game seems to be stabilizing a bit. With time I also think allins will go away once people learn to hold them.

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Terran can’t warp-in-reinforce. You know what the difference is? Protoss also has far bulkier units, friendly fire is less damning for Protoss because outside of storm, which Protoss units laugh at, and Disruptors, Protoss doesn’t have any friendly fire. AAM (doesn’t do damage, but does increase the damage done to your own units and has a large radius), EMP (minimal impact, admittedly, but accidentally EMPing your own spell casters or medivacs is never a good thing), Tanks, Mines, all do friendly fire. I’m not saying its imbalanced by any means, because it isn’t. Arguably, the friendly fire is part of what makes them balanced; because of the counterplay that it allows, being able to turn terran unit’s splash back onto them - so much so that it is a key component of fighting any mech army.

Additionally, Protoss ground units all work off the same upgrades. Terran ground units do not. They are sectioned into bio, mech and air, where protoss is sectioned into ground and air. Finally, Protoss ground units use or work well with similar playstyles. Mech and Bio very much do not.

Everything about Terran’s tech tree works against a true hybrid style. There will always be a primarily mech or primarily bio, both with some supplementing units. Generally, Ghosts for mech, and some form of splash damage/zone control for bio.

There IS a criteria to what you augment your army with. For instance, you will never, ever augment a mech army with marines for anti air, because the marines are to squishy and nigh useless due to the friendly fire splash damage, and have no upgrades.

For bio, you would never want hellbats because they’re to slow and die to the same things that bio dies to anyway. Hellions solve that mobility issue but have the same problem that bio in general has - they’re to squishy.

Tanks got phased out completely for Mines in Heart of the Swarm because mines were more effective in the bio-oriented playstyle. They provided mobility, zone control and burst damage that tanks simply couldn’t keep up with at the time, and really, still don’t

In fact, siege tanks only came back into play when they became strong enough to actively counteract the downsides to using them (limited mobility, friendly fire, expensive, pretty much guaranteed to lose them in an engagement if they close the gap etc) in a bio push, or like at the start of LotV, they were able to stay mobile with medivac siege mode pickup (which was a terrible design, I might add).

I have too. These are generally all-in, 3 base or die trying builds though; centered entirely around “don’t let them get there.” Perfect example was Cure vs Solar, game 4 in the Super Tournament Ro8.


Switch to mech… and then run into toss and get curb stomped

on the contrary Zealots do work late game v Terran… I.A.C is quite common with Zeals being the meat shields. and they are really efficient and what they do


AdMech plays mech against protoss. He knows how to make it work. Mech against toss DOES work. Its just more difficult to pull off, so you have to have a lot of experience.

I said TECH units not basic gateway or barracks units

Master on EU yet 7K games played Diamond on NA, including 40 games on NA this season…hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…it’s almost as if you’re lying…hmm…

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Factually incorrect. Here is how Terrans have done at every stage of every tournament since 2018:


Terran begins the round of 32 with an average representation of 30.7%. They make it to 30% of finals. They win 28.6% of the time. If the percentage of Terrans in the previous round mirrors the next round, it means a Terran player was equally as likely to advance as a Protoss or Zerg. If Terran has been underpowered the past 2 years, it is not measurable. If anything, we need to look into why Terran is hugely over-represented in the round of 4.