Terrains Campaign All in

HotS in its absolute entirety is really easy. Like… maybe Crucible is not a sandbox difficulty

You want Gradius to mind his/her tongue because you’re old? :rofl:

Anyway, to add to what Skehan typed. You should mine the mineral so hard that all the note is deplete by the time Artefact is about 85-90% charge (if my memory is right). And you should spend it so hard that you either run out or max out.

The reason that saving often is so powerful is that once you reload you already know what you’re going to do (even if it’s not the right thing to do). That cuts off your decision making a lot and speed up your play. Speed is pretty much the name of the game here. Simply by playing faster, you’re bound to win.

Lastly, the starting location of your defend sucks. Most people savage their bunker to move the defend line a bit closer. That’s to created some kind of bottle neck to your advantage. There is a glitch here where Kerrigen and her army will try to go for your command center instead of the Artefact. Seriously, the first time I won this mission on Brutal, I cheese by building a lot of empty bunker and such everywhere! they kept wasting their time on it and never attack the Artefact. (Not sure if this is fixed, though)

You can literally beat the entire last mission with a solo kerrigan

You can say that about 50% to 75% of missions in HotS.

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Not sure if people already know this, but the Thor’s upgraded 330m barrage cannon can stun Kerrigan for a good 5 seconds. Which is a lot more useful than it sounds. It helped me out quite a bit on Brutal.


It’s long enough to wreck her with some other stuff. I mean there is bunch of free credit space in armory to use, even if you get all “the mandatory” stuff like buildings, Siege Tanks, Marine, Marauder upgrades.


was not aware of this. will certainly make use of it on my next playthrough! Thanks!


Hosh posh, Last Stand was WAY harder than Utter Darkness. Also I like that End Game is the only non-turtle map that made the list.

Seriously? It took me a couple tries getting the locust achievement because my swarm hosts killed everything too fast for the locust wave calldown to get any kills. That was one of the easier missions I thought.

Well actually, nydus Kerrigan has only a very sparse amount of overseers, easily sniped with wraiths so banshees can just go to town. Adding banshees has always been one of the big wiggle room buyers for me of that map.

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How? For me, that’s one of the easiest mission to get. I ‘earn’ it without even tried (or aware of its existence)

Well, I was already a pretty solid player before I got around to buying HotS. The achievement is for getting the locusts from the pool to kill I think it’s 150 units, but if I don’t hold back there won’t be 150 units who live long enough for the pool locusts to kill them. Swarm Hosts are REALLY strong against the stream of ground units you face on that mission.

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Play it on Brutal, it helps the Locusts get the kill.

Yeah, it was easy for me as well, but well the entire campaign was.

I am talking Wraiths. Banshees are bae.

I assure you I never played HotS off brutal except for getting Ludicrous Speed and Premature Evacuation.

I see. It’s a dummy campaign.

Well I was just saying how wraiths can kill overseers to make you banshee ball that much more invincible.

Oh I see now. Well I still think there are better ways to spend your supply.

Have you attempted to clear out some of the bases? If you manage to clear them out, the mission becomes all of a sudden way more easier. You could use cloaked banshees and wraith/viking as their escort. However, this is quite hard to pull off.

Have you noticed this is two years old?

yes I have definitely noticed, but then pretty much most of it is