Tempest transform to deal area damage against light air units? Just as Thor

Reason is simple, Protoss needs an answer for mass Mutas.


did u built a archon

Have u ever played sc2?


sounds to me like what happens is they come into your third base, you f2 A-move after the mutas

and then they go into your main and u ft a-move back into your main. has this ever happened to you before?

What is f2? Never used it. Archon isn’t the answer for mutas. Range too short.

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what you do against mutas(for terran at least) is when you see them go across the map, he has to send them back or risk loosing.

Seems like u never played 1v1. No comments for you from here.

LOL sorry to many facts and knowledge. 1v1 me bro.

lol you’re in diamond. and IM bad

Wut? Were Phoenixes removed from the game? 6 - 8 range upgraded phoenixes can take on an infinite amount of mutas

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So you are going to rush slow and expensive tempests to kill fast and easily split units?

Wait a minute. Have u ever played Protoss? Phoenix range is 4, upgrade to 6 in fleet Beacon (not 6-8). 6 range still requires critical mass phoenixes to beat mass mutas. After you get enough phoenixes to kill Mutas, you will die to hydra, lol. Protoss has a very low winrate against mutas play which tells the story. Archon, HT, Stalker, phoenix, voidray, are not the answer.

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no pheonix beat mutas but you actually have to micro them(to hard for protoss) so maybe not the best option.

Protoss response to mass muta is double or triple stargate phoenix.
Archons also work in a pinch with blink.

You only have to micro phoenix if you don’t have enough and a battery makes the micro requirement less.

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:grinning: Sounds like you not play any 1vs1 cause even witch a little micro+range upgrade they handle mutas he s own

putting anti Muta on Tempest is one of the most counter-intuitive things you can do, as that indicates you already have both a Stargate and a Fleet becaon. Assuming the mutas don’t just camp your stargate, you will just make phoenixes while getting cannons and batteries to buy time. The Hydra transition can happen, but if you’re caught so offguard by the Zerg to be completely blind-sided by the Mutas while losing hard on Econ for the Zerg to easily swap to mass Hydras, you deserve the loss.

With that said, Archons are not good counters to mutas unless your opponent mis-micros horribly. Blink Stalkers are still the best “band-aid” to the solution if you are pinned.

Muta’s are not a strong unit, stop press f2 when you get harassed.

Even if zerg swap to hydra phoenix who left serve to up hydras

It depends on the numbers, at lower numbers Phoenix completely destroy Hydras, but at higher numbers Hydras can kill Phoenix quickly so you are no longer effective against them.

Regardless, Protoss has the tool to deal with a muta swap. Harassment units are meant to be annoying and pin you in your base if you aren’t accounting for them.

Or go sky ht or sky and disruptors