Tell me the P counter to mass mech

3 novas can instakill it

It takes 3 + Novas to kill a single Thor, which is ridiculous.


So as long as you have triple the number of Disruptors to his Thor count and land 100% of your shots without dying to Tank fire or BCs, you’re golden. LOL.


disruptors are aoe, so you can catch multiple.

Thors are fat as hell, and while Disruptors are good vs Thors chasing you around the map, they are not good when the Terran has half a brain and only walks his Thors around under the protection of 10 Tanks.


It is more than 3 Novas, and Disruptors have a very slow rate of fire.

tanks and tors are not exactly a mobile combination. tanks deal bonus damage vs armor, vs nonarmored they are pretty weak. Another option is using prisms. Why ? prism is not massive, so thor doesnt counter it. Missiles counter light. For ground units youre best off not using armored to take extra from tank, from air, using armored. Prism counters armored, meaning both tor+tank

Thors do counter Prisms, they are not very tough.

do you want some nerfs/buffs ? I wonder.

I want to be able to play a game that doesn’t last 2 hours where my opponent has 3 Planetary’s at each base, 100 Turrets, and just a-moves across the map with 200/200 of METAL, which I can’t contest.


Also, for everyone saying “you’re bad if you let them get X”; Avilo is like top 30 GM with this, so please, stop saying that. Playing a Master or GM mech player is alot different than playing a gold league mech player. TY makes this work at the PRO level.

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It does look like there should be no options for the opposition but options for you to win. I mean no offense ofc.

I want buffs to lategame Protoss units.

In an ideal world, I would replace Disruptor with Reaver, and both Oracle and Mothership with Arbiter.

In a down to earth request, I would ask for a new Fleet Beacon upgrade to Carriers, that increases Interceptor training speed, and +1 to carrier Armour. I would also request that Colossi benefit from both Ground and Air Armour upgrades simultaneously, since it melts to the very units it is supposed to counter, and also counts as an Air unit without any benefit to it.

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Don’t understand what you mean.

You’re terrible at the game its as simple as that
Play me in a reverse PvT and play mech, i wanna have fun with you

Here comes PuoTre with some trash comment.


7K games diamond. LOL.


reaver would be a less imba unit imo if handled properly. Arbiter was good, very expensive. If I remember correctly, BW carrier had 4 base armor. All shields took full damage (ghost with concussive type did well)

7 armor … battlecruiser apart from yamato would deal 1 damage after shields :smiley: this would prompt some rebalance hopefully to the BC too.

Colossus is wannabe air unit first with long range, massive, armored tags. I guess it traversing terrain is something, but being targetable by tempests at 14 :smiley: no armor is gonna help there. Vkikings, yamatos, what else have you, corruptors with bonus vs massive. You cant fix colossus really.

With the way EMP is right now (can be fired from stealth and has a massive radius), even if you gave Carriers +3 Armour it would not be OP vs Terran, though Zerg would struggle. +1 Carrier Armour is perfectly fine, and the way P lategame is, sorely needed. Do not forget that Carrier are the only unit you can “disarm”, that is how you counter them with Liberators or Parasitic Bomb.

Colossus does not have long range, if it had, then it could use it’s terrain walking ability to good effect, but it actually shoots too close to the frontlines as it is. Getting it tto benefit from 2 types of armour would make a durable juggernaught in the lategame, for a huge investment (+12 Armour), which would make it see play at very lategame at least, and would make it a transitional unit between Starport and Robotics Bay.

Removing Disruptor, Oracle and Mothership; and introducing Reaver and Arbiter, would definetly be the best move, however.

12 (why?) armor would be broken, exceps vs liberators, tanks in siege, yamato, thors too. 39 tor damage per shot * 2.

I mean, you would break the game even more.

In late game, you have 85 tank damage, 90 from liberator, or aa rockets from liberator for some aoe, still doing 1 damage.
85-12=73. 90 -12=78.

You cant fix this stuff without breaking the rest.

Solution would have been giving damage and armor upgrades % damage increase, while making armor upgrades give % damage reduction. If there would be some super heavy units, you could add some damage reduction number as with WCIII mountain giant.

Without overhauling the whole counter system, you will break the rest.

I would propose a % dmg reduction with armor. At first it would produce strange results nothing like so far in SC 2. Without a counter system of bonus damage/reduced damage by % vs unit armor type, you cant do anything. You would have to, maybe adjust unit hps here and there or adjust dmg reduction armor point provides.

In wc III, 1 armor point gives an equivalent of 6% hp to the hps. You could adjust it to like 12%, since in WCIII armor upgrades give 2 armor instead of 1. Increase/decrease … It would require a LOT of work.