Team Games have become Toxic

Too many kids and novice players emulating outlandish tactics seen on Youtube or Twitch - combine that with the tepid behavior of turtling with no strategy and you get team losses - one after another in succession.
ME - Master in 2’s, Platinum in 1’s on this acct.

says the guy with name i team kill. yeah im sure its everyone else is the problem and not you.


As someone who decided to dabble a bit in SC2 again after not playing for years, yeah, most team games are very toxic.

But it’s generally because of people like you, joining random games with random people & then being horrible to your teammates when they don’t measure up to your standards.


My Game ID - Alchemist. But, yeah. Glad you agree. It is “everyone else”

sure sure its definitly everone but you.

And, players like you are the problem

I think they should bring back FFA. It’s always one of the best ways to play an rts. It’s like playing UNO or War.


Good eye! I will say all ages play this game with this said reading too much of text will blind a person from telling the difference between toxic verse their own projection.

“Too many kids and novice players emulating outlandish tactics seen on Youtube or Twitch”

This is very hard to prove. I get it bother you and it may feel like there’s so many who copy what they see but I assure you that’s not the case. Turtling can be frustrating to deal with indeed and it can also be easy with improvement no matter how small. Toxic refers to a person behavior who is purposely being a bully while the play style doesn’t fit this definition, I can understand it may come off as such. Don’t give up! :smiley:

Team games from every franchise are toxic

Its not as bad in coop.

This bait is so obvious and you guys took the hook and sinker.