Suitable commander vs Black Death?

Except for Stukov, is there any commander who can do well against the Black Death mutator?

So far, I only found that P1 Kerringan’s Hydralisk can overcome/negated the Black Death due to the regeneration given by P1 prestige.

Stetmann P1 with the healing aura all the time. Swann P0 Mastery 2 with 30 points in immortality protocol cost reduction. Tychus P0, P1 and P3 with the medic. Mengsk P0 and P3. Zagara P0, P1 and I think P2.

Zeratul canons, karax’s repair beam, 100-biomass Abathur units

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Dehaka’s Primal and Creeper Hosts also work well.

P1 Abathur actually benefits from black death, it heals his units.


Black death is 2% of max HP every sec. So to counter it with real units you just calculate what have for regeneration or combined with ally and then look at the unit options you have. In general big bulky hp units not the best in combination with black death.

If you want to avoid all then just go with static defense style commanders or free disposal units like stukov/stetboy with infestors.

Any Stettmann except P3 is fine. Just spam roaches and ravagers.

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That pretty much covers it… short of throwing your units onto the enemies. You know, break your economy’s back. Not a super great strategy but it does work.

Zagara P0 and 1 will have no issue with black death whatsoever.

P1 - suicide units :+1:
P2 - only if the regen on Aberrations and Corruptors can outheal black death. If it’s only at par, then once health is lost, it’s never really gained back.
P0 - I don’t think so. Only if playing it like P1.

Apparently Vorazun P1 is bugged and units which die from Black Death resurrect without it.

Mengskian Raynor P0, optionally with medics thrown in - but unlikely that army will sustain very long.

Kerrigan’s creep will outheal it.

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Kerrigan. But put your army in Nydus Worms.

Creep protects your mineral lines as well.

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While probably not ideal… I was able to handle Black Death with Tychus P3. You need both Nikara and Rattlesnake and their healing upgrades, but it worked better than you might think. (Medivac Platforms are also a must have.)

One nice thing about P3 is the Odin provides a boost in damage, making it easier to field two healers.

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Karax has mechanical unit heal, carriers even have repair drones

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stetman is #1 vs black death, since it keeps you alive AND your partner, abathur p1 should be second, but for the current mutation the best ones are the map cheesers like mengsk or artanis

I don’t think Stetmann is the most ideal here for a few reasons:

  1. Outhealing helps, but the healing he has is also healing that could otherwise be keeping enemy units alive in combat. Units effected by black death will be weaker then usual.
  2. Egon Stetmann, doesn’t have as good sniping potential unless you pick P2, but to do that effectively with P2 you have to forgo better stetzone bonuses.
  3. The units he has are kinda of weak commander to some other units army and can’t fill the same varying degree of roles as some others can.

For this one I think Mengsk and Dehaka are the two best regardless of prestige.

Stetmann and Abathur can rapidly outsmart black death.

I did Abathur P2 swarm hosts on last week’s mutation. P2 buff kept swarm hosts locusts far enough from swarm hosts to avoid plague. And if you collect 100 biomass, regeneration rate is fast enough to overcome plague.

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Interestingly, Abathur biomass changes black plague into a healing spell. wWth P1 you WANT your units to have black plague because it the plague heals units with >100 more than it damages them


I take it we should turn off “auto-evolve UE”?