[Suggestions] New Mutations

New Mutations:
- Beef me up! - Enemy units and structures gain 100% increased life.
- Rogue Purifier Champion AI - Enemy Purifier Champions will appear in every attack wave.
- Solar Lance - An enemy Solar Lance will apppear in every location on the map.
- Parting Gift - When an enemy heroic unit dies, it drops random powerups to both allies and enemies alike.
- EMP - An EMP blast drains both shields and energy within ten minutes.
- Bloodlust - Enemy units temporarily increase movement and attack speed when attacking your units.
- Sacrificial Assault - Enemy units gain double damage when their health dips below 50% and armor by 3.
- Void Spirit - When an enemy unit dies, it becomes a Void Entity form of a currently killed unit.
- Pestilence - Temporarily slows production time to a single random production building.
- Flash Freeze - Freezes both allies and enemies alike within a short period of time.
- Shielded - Enemy units and structures grant shields. Double the shields when the enemy is Protoss.
- Glass Cannon - Friendly combat units have 50% decreased life, but 100% increased damage.


Beef me up=Just Die

Bloodlust might be good for “on taking damage” getting the speed boost.

Here’s one:
Overly-Friendly Fire - You and your ally’s units also take damage from your own splash damage attacks, abilities, and calldowns.

Artillery Warfare - Enemies have ESOs (Terran), Bile Launchers (Zerg), or Khaydarin Monoliths (Protoss) in their bases.

Psionic Dominators - Enemy Psionic units can take control of one of your own units until they are eliminated.

Mirage Army - Enemy Waves also spawn a corresponding wave of hallucinated units that render the actual unit invulnerable until they are destroyed. These hallucinated units do not take bonus damage.

Anti - Mage - Enemy units attacks also deal damage to your unit’s energy and deal additional damage to them. Enemy units also take 25% less damage from abilities and calldowns.


Duality - enemies need to be damaged by both players. Enemies will die after a certain time from taking damage from one of the players though.

Radiation zones - random areas will cause units to gradually take damage.

I’ve asked for positive mutations.

  • Double Supply
  • Half Cost
  • Rich Minerals
  • Rich Gas
  • Speed Start (double workers at start)
  • Drill with Slow
  • Drill with Splash
  • Shield Generator (a la Zerg Hex)

Mixing these up with the negative mutations could add more life to the game.

The problem is the enemy Terrans don’t have Dominion Laborers/Troopers when manning ESOs, so they use SCVs or Marines instead.

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