Suggestion: Unclickable Alerts

Hello everyone, I would like to suggest a simple change to improve the quality of life during the matches: unclickable alerts.

Currently, you can only enable/disable alerts (Options > Gameplay > “Show Alerts” checkbox), but I like the alerts on the screen, specially if I am researching multiple upgrades (Ex: ground carapace and pathogen glands) so when a research is complete I usually check the alert to see what was finnished.

Unfortunately, the alerts when clicked move the camera to the place of the event. Usually it is not a problem, but some days ago I was microing my Infestors to neural parasite some Battlecruisers but accidentally clicked on an alert that was on the screen and the camera moved away from the battle. It is a thing that can happen to everyone (and very annoying when happens), so my suggestion is to make a drop list for the alerts (like the drop list used for control groups) with the following options:

  • Normal (alerts enabled, clickable)
  • Unclickable (alerts enabled, unclickable)
  • Hidden (alerts disabled)

This was such a problem for me that I had to disable visible alerts. I really wish they would give it the same treatment as unit groups. +1000000000


Been saying this for almost 8 years now. Will it eventually happen? Hopefully. Hopefully.


same here - when you’re in a ZvZ in the middle of a ling/bane fight and THEN a drone spawns! Let’s take a good look at our new little baby drone and loose the fight…


I mean, we complained about Neo Steel Frames for years and years. Maybe there’s hope after all!

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#BLIZZARD! Do something!

This is an excellent suggestion. I turned alerts off entirely because… well… clicking them is awful and possibly game-ending at the wrong moment. I still want the damn alert though, it’s good information.

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haha how did you even find this post to necro?

Oh come on, man, there’s a topic for interface suggestions, why you didn’t write it up there?

and allow us to permanently keep worker/army counts visible

What you mean? Who are you?

Bump, still highly desired by the community.


This deserves bumping until it’s implemented. It’s the single biggest UI issue in the game IMO.


This is sorely needed. I had to disable alerts after I flew two banshees straight into a spore and group of queens trying to micro them back at the very moment an alert popped up.