Suggestion: show daily bonus cooldown

i am trying to use the daily bonus on alarak but, that is very difficult when i do not know when it is available. they should add a function to show when daily bonus is available.

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Standard disclaimer of “no1’s around to make changes on Coop anymore” aside, only workaround is to just take note of when you started the game that got you the FWotD bonus. It has been annoying b/c I play a game to get that out of the way, only to realize I’m early. So the next game or 2 is what actually cinches that :\

there is still developers around. they released a patch last month after all.


There are no developers anymore. There haven’t been for a several years. The balance patches that have been put together since SC2’s retirement in 2020 were done by the community, not by a development team.


to this day i dont understand when the daily xp bonus actually resets lmao

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Iirc, it’s 22 hours from the last time it was received.

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Close, but with one tweak… it’s 22 hours from when the last game was started, not finished.


IIRC it was 21hrs from when you got the bonus same as with HotS.

Also, aside from not having an actual dev team there’s a lot of ways to make reminders for yourself like setting a 21/22hr timer on your phone for example.

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