[Suggestion] Medivac ability: Decontaminate

pls read… He ASKED for tempest to smart fire… I just said why its stupid.

Also, I play random, Im one of the better informed here about state of balance. You can see me not asking for buffs to Terran or Protoss, but only nerfs to Zerg, as from my own experience, that is by far most powerful race atm.

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Dude stop, you’re so grotesquely biased nobody listens to you.

I also like how you assumed the Vikings did overkill but the tempests smart fired somehow LOL.

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Tempest is obviously meant to be an upgraded Observer.

By “upgraded”, I mean like how Reforged upgraded warcraft 3…

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Thank you for confirming what everyone knew. You cant read.

Today we all learned that the very expensive, fleet beacon-requiring tempest is not an “army unit”. No wonder no one builds one LOL.

Just when you think the internet cannot birth any more stupidity.

Looks like we got a new village idiot, a salty report-happy one lol.


Thank you everyone for hijacking the topic.


Sorry, it was not my intention.

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Sorry, got caught up in the immense idiocy that was being displayed.


Aye, people incapable of reading irritate me. It is in my nature to try and help them understand. When they resist it, well, here we see result.

As for ability it shouldn’t be added. TvP is in great state and only Zerg displays power above other 2 races. To prevent derailing TvP interactions currently In the game, Zerg should be the one changed to perform more in line with others.

Sounds good, feels useless

Good players already have their medievacs depleted of energy from harassing (not talking about pros only, even in masters) so they would risk activating this and have no heal left. Those who can afford the energy I doubt will have the apm to make a noticeable difference.

And btw… techlab upgrade? this would never be researched…rather try with fushioncore.

No they are not. They are a meme. Cause a guy like you made it into the balance team (made of 2 cats walking randomly on a keyboard)

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LOL, even probes have negligible DPS that in extreme cases are used to attack/defend. The genius put a Tier 3 Capital Ship requireing Fleet Beacon as “not army unit”.
Now i know that armies have all kind of support personnel such as cooks. Tempest role: cooking for the protoss army tasty meals.
I forgot: Robo/Stargate armies don’t eat, GW armies are made up from units that do not even have mouths…
Maybe Tempest should be utilized for…gardening.

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Agreed with putting it on the Fusion Core. It may turn out to be useless. Just an idea that came into my head from both a lore perspective (cleansing infestation) and as a bio-based counter to a reworked Microbial Shroud I mentioned in another topic. I don’t have any test data on that extension mod yet, so I’m wondering how Terrans might adapt to it, given that the spell blocks almost all damage from Marines and Marauders.