[Suggestion] Co-op Feats of Strength Achievements

I’m not sure how hard it is to add achievements these days, but I would like to suggest adding some Co-op-based Feats of Strength achievements (possibly not all of these, but these are 10 I thought of):

Hallowed Ground - Destroy all structures on Temple of the Past on Hard difficulty or higher.

Consecration - Complete Temple of the Past without the temple taking any damage on Hard difficulty or higher.

Safe Passage - Escort the Warp Prism to all three evacuation points without it taking damage on Scythe of Amon on Hard difficulty or higher.

Scientific Method - Complete Mist Opportunities without any bots taking damage on Hard difficulty or higher.

Rumble in the Jungle - Destroy all structures on Mist Opportunities on Hard difficulty or higher.

Air Superiority - Destroy all structures on Void Launch on Hard difficulty or higher.

End of the Line - Destroy all structures on Oblivion Express on Hard difficulty or higher.

Flawless Flotilla - Complete Miner Evacuation without any ships taking damage on Hard difficulty or higher.

Gotta Catch 'em All - Collect all available components on Part and Parcel on Hard difficulty or higher.

The Krypton Factor - Complete The Vermillion Problem before the lava floods the low ground for an 8th time on Hard difficulty or higher. (This requires collecting all crystals as they appear (the ones on high ground can possibly be delayed) and getting them to the stabilizer without losing any to the lava surges)

So as to reduce the chance of players quitting if they miss it, they won’t offer any points, being hidden Feats of Strength. Thoughts?


Why on Hard? Isn’t Brutal a better benchmark?

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You’re right of course, especially for a ‘feat of strength’. It was more of a standard I followed when compared to many of the single-player achievements (they use Hard over Brutal… if not Normal). That and some of them, like the evacuation ships not taking any damage, are exceptionally hard (the first one is the hardest).


It will be more of a feat destroying all buildings in Scythe of Amon or Cradle of Death since they don’t really work nice with the time limit. Lock and Load is easier as the timer can be stopped.

Void Thrashing is also difficult unless you teleport into its back-base, but it can be done. Rift to Korhal easy it is just 1 base more than normal play. Miner or Oblivion Express are rare but have been done sometimes.

Destroying every enemy building in Mist, Vermillion, Malwarfare, Void Launch, Part and Parcel, Death of Night and Temple are somewhat normal gameplay.

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Feats of Strength are supposed to be in “Normal or above” according to the existing ones.
Even if that means the name may be an exaggeration.

To be honest, for things like “Bots not taking any damage” or “Temple not taking any damage”, may as well be “in any difficulty”.
Remember than unlike campaigns, we have to carry the burden called “ally”.
Also, despite the name, remember that the initial “Feats of Strength” were not really about doing something “difficult”, but just about doing something “unusual” or “unnecessary” or “exaggerated”.


I figured the usual actions of destroying all of the bases on Temple of the Past (although the North-East base is often forgotten, being an island base) and Oblivion Express (although often only the West side is cleared) and Mist Opportunities to be on par with doing just that… unnecessary - but people like to do it and it is in the same spirit as destroying the bases on The Devil’s Playground and Welcome to the Jungle, essentially being a tertiary objective or side mission.

Some missions I deliberately chose not to have such achievements, since it’s either too easy to stop or delay the timer (e.g. The Vermillion Problem, Lock & Load), is effectively part of the primary objective (e.g. Dead of Night) or you have to actually walk past the objective to destroy everything (e.g. Void Thrashing).

Wow, that’s nice. How about this:
Vengeance for Ji’nara - Destroy all enemy structures in Chain of Ascension on hard difficulty or higher.
Disenchanted Redux - Destroy two Void Slivers within 360 seconds in Scythe of Amon on hard difficulty or higher.
Midnight Exterminators - Destroy 25 infested structures during nighttime in Dead of Night on hard difficulty or higher.
Transport with Care - Complete Malwarfare without taking damage on Aurana’s transport on hard difficulty or higher.
Great Train Assault - Complete The Oblivion Express without letting the train escape on hard difficulty or higher.
Void Bashing - Complete Void Thrashing without dropping below 2500HP on Sgt. Hammer’s Fortress on hard difficulty or higher.
Space Aces - Destroy all enemy structures in Cradle of Death on Hard difficulty or higher.
Rak’rolled - Do not let the enemy units support Amon’s Champion psionically in Chain of Ascension on hard difficulty or higher.
Xel’negativity - Destroy all Gatekeeper Constructs in Cradle of Death on hard difficulty or higher.
Scrapyard Rhapsody - Destroy all enemy structures in Part and Parcel on hard difficulty or higher.
Thrash and Burn - Destroy all enemy structures in Void Thrashing on hard difficulty or higher.
Data Dunces - Complete Malwarfare without taking damage on the Data Cores on hard difficulty or higher.

All fun ideas but unfortunately it wont ever happen with sc2 being end of development.

Destroying the structures on Chain of Ascension and Part and Parcel is something you tend to at least partially do already in a normal playthrough, and for Void Thrashing you have to deliberately not attack the final objective. Granted you could use Tactical Jump, so maybe. I like Hammer’s Fortress not taking too much damage. Ariana’s Transport is hard since you don’t have the numbers to quickly kill the first Suppression Tower (but certainly possible, possibly using Nova to clear out the defenders beforehand), while protecting the Data Cores is easy with Abathur, say.

  • Xel’negativity is a very nice idea - I’d merge this with Space Aces personally.
  • Disenchanted Redux sounds easy at first, but given most heroes come out at 4 minutes, I can see the problem!
  • Great Train Assault is too easy. I much rather have “Destroy all structures” as that is legitimately hard.
  • Rak’rolled - I assume this doesn’t include hybrids. This one sounds hard but easily doable so long as you clear the path ahead and keep units nearby. Ji’nara warns you anyway when units are coming!

It is a shame that development was finished. I’ve learnt a bit about game development since making this post, as I had a job interview with Creative Assembly (I didn’t get the role though). When there’s no-one to pay for updates any more (I mentioned a mapping error I had found in Alien: Isolation), bugs can’t be fixed because of the cost of identifying and fixing the cause of the bug, building the project files on each platform, testing to verify the bug is fixed on each platform using the internal test servers, then building and distributing a patch. it is quite a lot unfortunately. I would have hoped that achievements aren’t as hard since it’s largely map scripting and data files, hence no binaries are actually modified. There is the issue of creating new icons though and distributing them through the CASC system.

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  • The planet’s only hope - Have 400 Xenon crystal carrying time on the Vermillion Problem mission
  • Who’s in danger now? - Destroy Molten Sal in the Vermillion Problem Mission before it returns for the 3rd time on Hard difficulty or higher
  • Hopefully things pick up soon - Hold 6 xenon crystals with workers simultaneously
  • Not even close - Pick up a Xenon crystal on the low ground 5 seconds before the lava rises, then deliver it to the stabilizer on the Vermillion Problem

  • Cold Cash - Fully mine out all the mineral patches on Void Launch

  • Welcoming committee - Destroy 3 trains before their last cars leave the station on Oblivion Express

  • Scourge of Amon - Destroy all 5 Void Slivers using the same unit

  • Lockout - Do not let Amon capture any Celestial Locks on Lock & Load on Hard difficulty or higher

  • They can’t get all of us! - Successfully launch 3 ships in the span of 10 seconds on Hard difficulty or higher

  • Shardnihilation - Destroy 5 Void Shards in the span of 1 minute on Rifts to Korhal on Hard Difficulty or higher

  • Death by a thousand cuts - Reach the 1 hour mark on Void Thrashing on Hard difficulty or higher

  • Big supporter - Continuously support Ji’nara with the same unit for 600 seconds on Chain of Ascension on Hard difficulty or higher

  • Strange pets - Have 4 Void Thrashers alive simultaneously on Temple of the Past on Hard difficulty or higher

  • Walk it off - Complete Mist Opportunities after letting 3 harvesting bots go down to 10 health on Hard difficulty or higher

  • The Two Towers - Destroy 2 suppression towers in the span of 5 seconds on Malwarfare on Hard difficulty or higher

  • I don’t like trains - Destroy a train on Part & Parcel before the last car leaves the station on Hard Difficulty or higher

  • Reverse clear - Destroy 2 sectors using the Artifact trucks in the span of 80 seconds on Hard difficulty or higher

  • I atk - Complete Dead of Night before the Virophage first appears on Hard difficulty or higher
  • We have to kill it ourselves - Destroy 20 stanks in the Dead of Night mission on Hard difficulty or higher

Unsure about the ones where you have to prolong the mission - 1 hour is excessive. Some interesting choices though. The one where you mustn’t let the enemy capture a lock is a good one, although rarely they go to capture the distant ones quite early and there’s little you can do to stop it. Annoying, but just have to try again another game.


Gods Among Us: win a game in Casual after winning at least 100 times in a row at Brutal or higher.
Easy make it Harder: win a game in Casual without setting rally points for workers.

Miner Evacuation:

I forgot there’s one here: win before the 1st ship (near main bases) launch or get destroyed in Casual.

The Vermillion Problem:

No one to hear the fall: Molten Sal defeated in any difficulty without any player-controlled unit around (killed by defense structures)

Lock and Load:

It’s my spot: The total amount of time Amon spent at challenging the control of a lock controlled by the player without making any advance due to player units presence go over a certain amount. (yep, didn’t think of the amount or the difficulty here)

Part and Parcel:

The fight can wait: Collect all parts of the map before defeating the first Moebius Hybrid at any difficulty.

Dead of Night:

What? I forgot my torchlight!: Destroy infested buildings only during the day at Normal difficulty or above.

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I was hoping achievements like this were part of the game, when Co-op first got introduced.

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I’m surprised they didin’t add achivs for prestiging commanders

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Time, likely.

I think this could be seen in patch 5.0 where a ton of the new campaign achievements were bugged, suggesting that patch 5.0 was rushed out with what ever was (mostly) ready. That gave them a little extra time to fix 5.0’s bugs before Team 1 was eliminated a couple months later.


That would’ve been neat. I mean, I had plans to do all of them, and did just that anyways. So assuming “10 points” per prestige, that would’ve given me an extra 540 points on my (Achievements) profile, give or take :slight_smile:

Got another one I thought up:

Special Delivery - Complete Part and Parcel without the timer ever dropping below 4 minutes on Hard difficulty or higher.

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With the F2 standard that came into SC II with HotS I fear this is too hard.

There can be only three at the same time.

Eh I feel like it harder there to really destroy every building instead.

Is this technically even possible?

Don’t get pilots nervous? If yes it seems really hard.

Interessting but I feel like this what is actually done right now.
I would recommend:
We are here to kill zombies! Kill only infected structures during the night.

That’s why it’s a feat of strength. Also workers and overlords exist.

Wanna bet?

I destroy every enemy building on that map every game. It’s not hard at all. Letting the bots go down to 10 health without losing them? Now that’s hard.

Yes. That’s my goal every time I get that map.

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Like CtG mentioned, for sure. With a good combo of agressive players, the map can be cleared by the end of the 3rd day.