Stukov Frightful Fleshwelder - Gas Reduction

Although the tech requirements for the Factory and Starport are removed, they still cost gas which means you’ll still probably start with a Barracks and maybe Bunker to break expansion rocks.

I think a good solution would be removing the gas cost from Factories so that you can more quickly open with Diamondbacks.


yes i agree with that, and i think thats not even enough.

Without gas cost u can set up 1st factory at about 40sec while 100gas means requirements of building 2 gas and mining 100 which slows 1st factory to 1.30, and it gonna be ready at 2.30, 1st diamondback ready at 3.15.Additionally, Caustic Mucus, which is important as it provides critical early game aoe for diamondbacks, is done at 5.10 (5.50 for current version without prestige). Well u know what it means? 5.30 a lone wolf tychus has almost soloed 2nd sliver on SoA.

And for expo rocks. Broodling opener can only help on main rock and if stukov gonna use bunker/marine for gas rocks, there is at least 60sec and 150 more mineral for a rax, and marines/bunker will take away early game supply prepared for first group of diamondbacks, while adding more overlords means taking away shared cooldown for scvs. It is silly, and slows down our bottom 1 commander even more.

What i would suggest is at least remove factory&armory&starport gas cost and armory requirement for factory. Accelerating basic scv cooldown and creep speed in large scale is also needed, but not in prestige, stukov needs this as fundamental improvement.

Hope blz guys can fix the bug of this prestige soon too.

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