Strange Master bug 2v2

I just played a 2v2 game.

I’m not really good. I was gold last season, but after each match, they said: next season, you will be silver. Well, seem more like my level then gold.

I played a match today. We lost horribly. 2200. MMR. They put me in Master league. WHAT?!

There is even a guy with 2000 MMR in Master League.

Isn’t suppose to be a pro league with only 4% of people with MMR around like 4000? Why does they put me there :frowning: ?

it’s normal, this bug exist for few years already

There’s another strange bug, I just ran into a blatant map hacker an hour after patch…

Is it just for 2v2? It seem 1v1, 3v3 and 4v4 seem ok.

And will “Master” appear on my profile or once the bug is solved, I won’t have “Master” in my career?

protch lol
u got some mental problems buddy

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It works only for 2vs2. You would have masters in career.

argh. Won’t they change it before the end of the season? I don’t want to play with masters, but with people from my level :frowning: . And I don’t want it in my career if I didn’t earn it :frowning: .

Welcome to SC2 where issues remain perpetually

They’re letting anyone into masters nowadays.

This bug exist already for at least 2 years, I doubt they would fix it. You can leave the league and try to play again, maybe you would get the real league then.

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Oh thank you, I will try that. Hope that will work!

But I just read that master player with more then 3000 MMR are now Bronze, so all the 2v2 ranking seem wrong this season while it was ok last season O_O.

This is the OLD bug that I was reporting for YEARS and nothing has been done. This bug occurs twice a year since 2018 however only on EU gateway. It’s always at the seasons that are starting around february and september.

Just look at this:

Gold league literally dissapeared and all golds get masters.

As far as I know you will play with other golds that are fake masters because of this bug aswell. The only thing that will change is you will have master badge in team games.

In my division, there was someone with 4400 MMR and someone with 2000 MMR, so it seems they doesn’t put me only with people of the same levels but with real master too :/.

I tried, still got to Master… I will leave the leagaue and just don’t play this season it seems :confused: .