Stop being a sore loser!

There is no need to drag out a game any longer when you already lost. Stop. For the love of god die with dignity. Stop floating your building away or placing down pylons, or building extractor or try to even build another base for that matter. If you lost leave the game. This is getting old, 10+ years of a game and we still got people running around here prolonging a dead match. And for what, so you can make the other player/players mad, all because you lost the match. Why be a little baby about it. Just leave. Die with grace.

All day on 3v3, out of about 20+ games, ive had about 4 that the people left when they knew they were dead, the rest, just stayed in the game and did what ever they could to keep the match going. Im so sick of chasing down probes and floating buildings today. Its mostly you terran and toss players, ive only seen one zerg do this. Knock the bs off, there is no need for this.

I clapped a 5k terran in 4 minutes and he said “oh it’s you”, lifted all his buildings, and then said “enjoy the game”. Took 7 minutes to go up to spire and kill his last building.

It’s one of the reasons I realized stream sniping is extremely common. If you stream at a high level, 50%+ of your games will be stream sniped. It made me realize that in any competitive arena, people will cheat if they think they can get away with it. I knew people do this IRL with real money on the line, but I didn’t realize it happened so much in video games. I thought maybe 1 in 20 might do it. There is currently an 800 mmr difference between my private and public accounts (masters 2 vs top 100 gm), and that cannot happen without ridiculous amounts of stream cheating.

Had an hvac guy look at my furnace and my water heater stopped working that week. He turned the temp down. It’s a little nob on the front of the water heater. “Oh sorry I must’ve accidentally bumped it when I was in there.” Lmao. He was hoping he could scam me into buying a new water heater, more or less. Cheaters are everywhere and you have to be vigilant because they know a million and one ways to either cut corners, inflate costs, or just to outright scam you.

Here are two public accounts contrasted against one private account:

Things to note:

  • Private account has drastically higher win-rate vs tougher opponents (64% winrate vs gms, contrasted to 47%/45% vs masters 2).
  • Public accounts have higher APM and SPM, meaning I am working about 15% harder to win despite losing more.

Less effort is yielding a much higher win-rate vs much tougher opponents, and the sample has what’s called statistical significance. The only thing that’s changed, between the two experiments, is whether my opponents can see my screen, lmao.

A person floating his building helped catch stream cheaters, building-floaters are heroes who deserve recognition for their services.