Still no way to play protoss in PvT after ghost get EMP upgrade

Terran is favoured n00b. L2p you are probably one of those 100 APM terrans with 0 procent skill.


Lets pretend for 1 second you actually read what i type. What if you would actually read?

Would you be able to comprehend where i am comming from? Would you be able to actually give a good argument?

I wonder. If only once. Why wont you read and try to grasp what i am trying to convey instead of going off topic so people dont get informed by actuall factuall knowledge.

Oh i wait. Its what you terrans do. clutter threads that are anti-terran with weak insults and repeating the same disproven things over and over again.

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Bro, Protoss is 29-30% of the player base. They are nearly 40% of GM. Do you really think they all just got better at once in early 2018?


No, we are just bringing terran up to the level of Zerg. Since TvZ is everyone’s favorite matchup at least everyone who’s opinion matters. /s

But seriously though, TvZ should look really good after the patch.

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Everyone on these forums just ignores questions that make them uncomfortable.

We ignore those questions because its irrelevant to begin with. Even if the numbers stack in a certain direction.

What if theres just more cassuals who start off playing terran and never swap? What if people who play protoss are actually in more numerous numbers because they actually have the most skill.

Right! AND they ALL got better simultaneously in early 2018! It’s just FACTS!

Terran have the lowest MMR of the 3 races because they’re the easiest to play! If that doesn’t make any sense, then maybe that’s because you have a brain…


The point i was making was simple for you to understand.

There are allot of factors you are … either willingly or unknowingly not discussing.

There could be all sorts of factors, from alt account trolling to protoss actually having a better high league representation in numbers.

The mere idea you refuse to understand this. either shows your really dumb. or you are extremely biased.

hell it could EVEN be that pro’s from the other races QUIT the game. And protosses kept playing.

There is no true defining way to see imbalance except… literally… see it.

The way how games are won or lost. The skill discrepancy between players taken into consideration.

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The High Templar has the advantage in that trade, dummy. Storm has a 1.5 radius and is particularly deadly to units like Vikings.

If you are bad and let it get too close.

Another if you are bad moment, unless the HT are unsupported.

  1. You should know your own units.

Which is less expensive than Ghosts, and honestly frees up a lot of minerals for Zealots considering the supply you are making.

You can place another Storm in a different location or after the first one expires. The opponent is usually trying to move out of the first Storm anyway.

Sure, if all of your HT are still in the prism and you are bad enough to lose it.

It’s kind of ridiculous that someone like you who comes on the forum for no reason other than to whine about Protoss or to whine about people you don’t think should be allowed to post tries to argue that you are not a whiner.


And ALL those factors culminated as soon as patch 4.0 hit. Which incidentally showed Protoss switching from Phoenix Adept compositions into Charge Zealot based compositions. What a #coincidence!

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LOL are you seriously saying high templar have the advantage?! u realise a prism has to drop templar right? you also realise vikings have more HP then 1 storm can do right?

It takes 1 volley for i think it was 5 vikings to insta kill a prism. Storm that only damage units that can then be repaired, literally sustaining 0 losses. Vs losing a prism worth of 450 minerals and 600 gas. Whats worse?

Lol bronze league confirmed. You dont even understand what i meant with the small clump of marines…

I meant YOU as the terran TAKE A SMALL CHUNK, yes instead of amoving, you only get a COUPLE of marines. and you move them forward to snipe the prism.

You are FORCED to storm them then cuz whats a prism with HT gonna do otherwise?

It is you who is bad that you dont know people do this. Shows a clear difference in skill-level and also shows YOU shouldnt be talking about balance at all.

Also 4 HT + 1 prism isnt less expensive then 1 ghost that instantly removes them from the game.

You CANNOT storm twice if your HT are dead cuz u unload the prism near an army to storm. YOU CANNOT sustain those HT before theyr EMP’d to death.

You realise shutting down that prism is autowinning right?


And i havnt even talked about interferance matrix WICH ALSO can shut down the prism.

I know interferance matrix has short range but trust me if you move that forward with vikings and a ghost. Literally NOTHING can save the HT or the prism.

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They certainly do against Vikings.

Yes. They take significant damage from one Storm, and often die from two Storms. Terran doesn’t usually have SCVs on the front-line to repair damaged units right away; so the damage usually sticks.

Apparently, you don’t know that Warp Prisms:

  1. Outrun Marines and Vikings.
  2. Can be defended by other units.

You have this annoying tendency to whine about everything and ignore every factor in a real game that does not strictly benefit Protoss. I’m fairly certain you would still be here whining if Protoss had a consistent 60% lead in the match-up, similar to Democrazy and several other posters who fortunately do not post much anymore.

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AGAIN you dont even comment on the marine clump thing.

Its like your cherrypicking what to respond to cuz u know theres a pletora of options from T to BEAT a prism with HT.

The entire purpose of said HT inside the prism is to get off storms. If you cannot get storm off on the enemies army, you auto loss.

Emp outranges storm.

And only BAD terrans cant EMP an unloading warpprism, Terran HAS the advantage in number of buttons they have to click thus always giving them the MECHANICAL advantage.

Second, you clearly dont seem to play this game at all.
No wonder you are gold league.

You dont move your army with your prism BECAUSE if it gets shut down, you dont have storms and terran AMOVES over your army if its not softened up making you autoloss.

So NO there is no defences for the prism.

You cant outrun 1 volley of vikings attacking a prism, because the prism is dead after that 1 volley.


I think you might just be trash


I am pretty sure you are, looking at your incompetent response.

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There’s no point offering actual debate with someone who has no clue how to play the game.

You’re trash at the game, that’s all there is to it. Learn to play the game.


Except every argument you make is literally bs.

Because you dont make arguments. Its like your not even in this forums at all.

You certainly dont know howto discuss things. And with such a warped close minded take on things.

Its clear to me you are too close minded to even grasp the idea that your favourite race wich you are doing terrible with is STRONGER then the race you cant seem to beat.

You say i dont have a clue on howto play the game. But you dont even play the game.

Either your a troll account of someone whos too chicken to actually come in here with his reall acc, Or you are as i suspected someone completely oblivious asto how sc2 is played at all.

Comming from you, that i am trash, is rich.

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I didn’t have to, because I already answered that. If the Terran player moves in with a smaller chunk of units, you can counter with your own units (Zealots, Stalkers, Colossus, etc).

The relevant quotes:

I assume that you aren’t stupid enough to think that you should beat the other player’s entire army with just 4 High Templar and a Warp Prism.

I do not care enough to waste time responding to every single point that you make. As I already pointed out, you are specifically cherrypicking cases where Terran can respond to Protoss or can threaten a Protoss unit and claiming those cases are problems while ignoring every response that the Protoss player can make.

That is not how real games are supposed to play out, and it is the reason why talking with you is a complete waste of time.

Every time someone points out a response to protect the Warp Prism or HT, or deal with Ghosts or some other threat (such as a small detachment of units from the main army, which you can just overwhelm with other units); you will just ignore it and claim “but Terran can do this”, while ignoring the responses that Protoss can still make to counter that reaction.

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Main account is banned. And im not arguing with you. I dont argue with trash. Pointless endeavor arguing with trash level players who value their own experiences way too much.