Still 'Casual' although done all Hard missions

like it says in the header. can I have on my Profile screen for Wings of L Hard portrait please?

Have you done all alvertanive missions and the secret mission? Have you found all the objectives on them?

no, I haven’t. but should be enough to do all game missions on hard? I did similar for other two races (campaigns), didn’t search for secrets. and I think in WoL there are no secret missions

WoL has one secret mission, Heart of Darkness. You can unlock it in 4th Horner’s mission. Mission map has «secret» zone in lower right corner with neutral laboratory. Destroy the lab; it would spawn documents, which you mast then grab.

ok, thanks, I will try. can’t believe this is pre-request to get Hard (this sounds wrong). anyways, thanxxx. in Acheavment list there is Hard done blabla all 25 missions, similar to other two campaigns.

There is 29 missions in WoL campaign, and you need to do all 29 to get this achievement. For alternative route missions just use Archive.